
Brawlhalla X Star Wars Event Adds Darth Maul


First announced a few weeks ago, the Brawlhalla Star Wars collab is now about to begin in full! Downloading the latest Brawlhalla update, you’ll find a galaxy far far away from taking over the fighter! We’ve got a ton of new crossover cosmetics and LTM game modes, and now a new Darth Maul skin too.

The Brawlhalla X Star Wars event is a fun mix-up between the sci-fi franchise and the fighting game. Its main focus is going to be on cosmetics. There are quite a few new Brawlhalla skins which you can unlock. These contain some of the most iconic characters in Star Wars, but there are also quite a few from the more recent spin-offs of the franchise. This is what is new with the latest Brawlhalla event.

Brawlhalla X Star Wars

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Darth Maul Brawlhalla Skin Announced

The Brawlhalla X Star Wars event has been running for a little while now, more than the few weeks we initially expected. If the first batch of content has worn a bit thin over all this time though, there’s a bit more coming now. A Brawlhalla Darth Maul skin has just been revealed, joining the other Star Wars characters as skins in the game.

Darth Maul - Brawlhalla X Star Wars

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Darth Maul is going to be a new character coming to Brawlhalla, using his iconic double-sided lightsaber. Maul is going to be released in a short while, on May 1st. With this new release, the Brawlhalla X Star Wars crossover is going to be running for more than a month!

There have been some interesting skins added so far, and we’ve got more excitement for Brawlhalla coming soon. Like with the upcoming Brawlhalla tournaments that are starting back up soon.

Brawlhalla X Star Wars Hits Fighter

The bulk of the new crossover here for the game is the new cosmetic items added. These are all of the new skins and other items you can find in the game.

  • Anakin Skywalker – Ezio Skin
  • Ahsoka Tano – Asuri Skin
  • Darth Vader – Ezio Skin
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi – Val Skin
  • Jedi knight Title
  • Force Levitation Emote
  • Lightsaber Weapon Skins
  • Avatars
  • Emojis

Out of these cosmetics, you can get the title awarded for free when you log in during the event. It isn’t just new skins though. There’s some other changes coming with the Brawlhalla X Star Wars event. One fun mode is a new FFA map of Mustafar. There’s also a special Brawl of the Week game mode and a UI Theme. Like most items, you can use these across devices if you link Brawlhalla accounts too.

All of these items and modes will only be available for a limited time. Make sure you jump in to check these out before they leave.

Brawlhalla X Star Wars

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Event First Gets Announced

Brawlhalla is one of the most expansive fighting games, with more than a decade of events and skins in the game at this point. There are fighters like Smash which have tons of the biggest icons in gaming. Brawlhalla collects some of the most recognizable characters from all media though. It’s getting a new crossover soon. While the game has only just gotten a new Battle Pass, something pretty exciting has been announced. A new Brawlhalla X Star Wars event was announced by the developers of the title, coming very soon.

While it’s not the first game to crossover with Star Wars, this is pretty big for Brawlhalla. The sci-fi franchise now joins gaming classics (like Halo X Brawlhalla) to crossover with the fighter. Details are sparse so far. We’ve had an official announcement along with news of a couple of new skins that are coming to the game. What else is in store for this new event though?

Brawlhalla X Star Wars

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

What’s Coming with Brawlhalla X Star Wars?

This weekend, Blue Mammoth Games announced a huge new crossover coming to the fighting game. We’re going to see Star Wars crossing over as a new event for the 2D fighter.

The first two characters announced for the new crossover are Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. These two characters will be available as new skins in the game. This might mean the entire Brawlhalla X Star Wars crossover is focused on the prequels.

Brawlhalla X Star Wars

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

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