
LoL Mid lane Tier List – The Best mid laners for Patch 14.5


Find out which are the best champions you should be playing to climb solo queue in this patch with our LoL mid lane tier list.

lol mid lane tier list

Image Credit: Riot Games

Mid Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.5

Mid lane has always been one of the best roles to climb the ranked ladder in LoL. Yet, the role’s importance fell off in the past years, becoming more of an enabling role rather than a carry one. This season, however, the trend reverted once again: carry mages are back and ready to take over. To save you time in finding out who you should be playing, find out the best picks in our LoL mid lane tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These Are The best Mid laners for Patch 14.5

5. Katarina – The meta killer

Even though she is usually played by OTPs (one-trick-ponies, for those who are not familiar), Katarina is one of the strongest mid laners. She is a great counter-pick to most meta champions who happen to be for a large majority of immobile mages: all she has to do is find the right opportunities to punish them as soon as they step over the limit. Don’t blind pick super early in champion select, though, or you’ll get countered.

4. Aurelion Sol – the hotfix wasn’t enough

Aurelion Sol became the most OP champion in Patch 14.3 when Riot accidentally over-buffed his kit. Despite the hotfix, he still continues to be one of the best solo queue picks. The game pace is much slower and it gives room for late-game mages like Asol to reach his power spikes. His terrain control and ability to deal AoE damage in the late-game teamfights is a game-changer, especially at lower Elos where closing out the games can be harder.

inkshadow aurelion sol

Image Credit: Riot Games

3. Ahri – the evergreen pick

Evergreen champions are always bound to stay relevant in League of Legends and Ahri is one of the few mid laners that fall into this category. Even though the new itemization didn’t really help her out, players have quickly found a new item build that includes Lich Bane. This item greatly increases her damage output, which doesn’t need to rely on hitting abilities as much. All she has to do is proc the item’s passive by auto-attacking in between spell casts. I was skeptical at first, but after trying it out, I must say I was proven wrong.

2. Kassadin – the late-game carry machine

Considering many meta picks want to scale up, Kassadin’s stocks inevitably rise up as well. Since he will get safer laning phases in this meta, the chances of him getting to his power spikes are much higher.

All you have to do is make sure the enemies don’t snowball heavily and that your team understands that slowing the game down is fine since you’ll take over at level 16. It’s an easy concept, but doing it consistently can be hard.

dragonmancer kassadin

Image Credit: Riot Games

1. Karma – the queen of the mid lane

Thanks to the Malignance changes, Karma has become a super oppressive mid lane pick. While she doesn’t have incredible snowball potential, her constant poke is super troublesome in the mid-game. She will chase you down with constant R-Q casts, dealing insane AoE damage and applying the slow. Whenever skirmishes are about to happen, this is inevitably a great advantage.

You are likely only going to get the chance to play her this patch, as nerfs are planned for Patch 14.6. Abuse her now as much as you can.

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