
LoL Jungle Tier List – The Best Junglers for Patch 14.5


Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL jungle tier list.

LoL Patch 14.3

Image Credit: Riot Games

Jungle Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.5

The new season welcomed a series of changes that warped how jungle players need to play the game once again. Aside from the addition of Voidgrubs, junglers have to get used to the new map layout that influences both how ganks and clears are done in the game. If you’re struggling to find out which are the strongest picks though, we got you covered: here are the five best champions of the Patch 14.5 jungle tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These Are The Best Junglers for Patch 14.5

5. Kayn- the Darkin is back

Squishy junglers are back in the meta, and who else is better at punishing them other than Kayn? The assassin champion got buffs to its red form, but in solo queue it’s still the blue version that reigns supreme. By building Hubris and Profane Hydra, you have incredible skirmishing and jungle-clearing potential. All you have to do is constantly pressure the enemy and invade his jungle: he will either have to give up the farm or face death. It requires strong understanding of jungle timers and tempo, though, so make sure you’re on point on those two things.

Image Credit: Riot Games

4. Evelynn – the old guards are still here

Evelynn has been at the top of the jungle tier list for so long that it’s still weird to see her untouched. Even though she is more of a pocket pick and played by one-tricks and Evelynn mains, her numbers are still great despite the minor nerf, with over 51% win rate so far.

Just like Kayn, she can abuse her targets with a consistent map presence, slowly choking out the enemies and forcing them into a mistake. Unless you have three losing lanes, Evelynn always has a chance to pick up a few kills and take over the game.

3. Kindred – the meta counter

It’s all about carry junglers if you want to climb solo queue, and if you are proficient at Kindred, it’s time to use her to rise the ranks. She has one of the best scaling champions in the game with the marks, and as long as your team doesn’t bleed infinite advantage to the enemies, you will always be in a position to carry the game. Focus on getting as many marks as possible and you are likely going to win.

2. Volibear – the new pick

Volibear received major buffs in Patch 14.3 and players are finally catching up. Even though he’s not the typical carry jungler, he has an incredible map presence early on. And with so much playmaking

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across each role, Volibear is a great addition to snowball the game by forcing dives and aggressive plays.


The build with Sundered Sky is the best one currently so try it out. Make sure, however, to learn which champions counter Volibear, or those games will be rough.

1. Nidalee – the cougar is back

The first place on our LoL jungler tier list goes to Nidalee who has been consistently increasing her pick and win rates. Thanks to the new Lich Bane, as well as her powerful early-game presence, she can easily snowball and take over games with just a few kills. Yes, she can fall off later in the game, but you must have done something wrong if you go past the 30-minute mark with her.

That said, she’s also one of the toughest champions to play and master in the jungle so it’s recommended to get some warm-up games before abusing her in solo queue.

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