
LoL ADC Tier List – The Best ADCs for Patch 14.5


If you’re wondering which are the best ADC champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch, here is our tier list.

lol adc tier list

Image Credit: Riot Games

ADC Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.5

ADC are responsible for the majority of the damage output, yet the role’s importance has undergone several shifts over the past years. While the marksmen were considered the most OP roles in some seasons, there were other periods where they would be blown up by any champion jumping at them.

With the changes to the itemization this season, however, the role seems to be in a more balanced spot: ADCs are able to play their own game ,and the less “snowbally” playstyle allows them to scale up and reach those item spikes to be relevant. Nonetheless, picking the right champions in the meta is essential to increase the chances of victory: here is our ADC tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These are the best ADCs for Patch 14.5

5. Varus – the versatile pick

Having the flexibility of running two completely different builds allows him to fulfill various roles in the team composition. He can either go with the Lethality build (currently preferred) but also the on-hit one when you’re playing a more traditional front-to-back. Regardless, he offers a strong laning phase and the ability to initiate fights with his ultimate. The only important thing with Varus is learning his positioning: it’s crucial to not overstep or it will backfire extremely quickly.

Image Credit: Riot Games

4. Ashe – the utility pick

Ashe is similar to Varus in the way she is supposed to play the laning phase but she doesn’t offer the same level of long-range poke. Instead, the Freljord ADC is more of a utility pick, utilizing the Crystal Arrow to initiate fights. If you have decent positioning and know how to kite properly, Ashe is a solid pick you can rely on this patch. 3. Draven – the bully laner

This is probably the hardest champion to master among the ADC champion pool but a strong Draven will be able to easily take over the entire game. You need to be aggressive at the start of the game, forcing frequent trades with the enemy bot lane and hoping to pick up a few kills with the passive gold. Getting ahead in item completions is key to maintaining success with this pick.

2. Senna – let’s outscale

If you’re more of a team player, I recommend playing Senna. She doesn’t allow you to do many aggressive plays early on but she compensates that with extreme late-game scaling, and the ability to have the support farming the minions instead. This champion, however, requires a good laning phase as you mustn’t end up feeding the enemy team: jungle tracking and playing the trades correctly are essential to make her work.

senna ezreal

Image Credit: Riot Games

1. Smolder – where those nerfs?

Riot tweaked quite a lot of things on Smolder this patch, with the goal of nerfing him down a bit. The changes, though, didn’t go as planned: the number changes ended up making him even stronger, to the point where the champion was slowly reaching pick-or-ban status. He’s the only ADC with over 60% presence across all Elos: it’s been a while since we had those kinds of numbers. To put it simply, mastering Smolder is a must in this patch.

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