
Where is Venture From in Overwatch


Overwatch’s latest Hero is here, Venture! Players can jump in and explore the character’s new abilities, try to take them up to the top of the ranks. But what about the really important stuff, that biographical information that helps you get a better understanding of the character’s lore? One of the biggest questions in Season 10’s launch is probably where is Venture from in Overwatch?

Most Overwatch heroes get quite a bit of backstory. There’s the information on Overwatch hero ages, but most of the cast come from across the world. It might be nice to know the Venture Overwatch nationality or just a bit more about who they’re supposed to represent in the game. Outside of their kind of mole-inspired move set that is. This is what we know about where is Venture from and who they are.

Where is Venture from Overwatch

Source: Blizzard

Where is Venture From in Overwatch?

If you’re wondering where they’re from, Venture is Mexican-Canadian. They’re from Canada with an interesting backstory as an adventurer. They’re more interested in searching out treasure and findings than actually sitting around in any one place. According to Blizzard’s lore so far, they might be Mexican in terms of heritage. However, they’re closer to Canadian in their own background and current life.

Venture’s backstory seems to have quite a bit in common with other famous adventurers. If you’re wondering where is Venture from though, they’re from Canada.

The country is already represented in some ways in the game. There’s Pharah with some links to Canada and at one point Lucio was intended to be Canadian. Venture is the first rep for Mexican-Canadians in the game’s OW characters proper though!

Overwatch Season 10 Venture

Soure: Blizzard

Venture’s Background

That’s what we know about where Venture is from at the moment. There’s a bit more background to them though. Venture is an Indian Jones like figure. They’re out as an archaeologist recovering artifacts. But with a bit more sense of adventure than just overseeing a normal academic dig!

Venture’s background details can be nice if you’re maining them in Overwatch Season 10. It’s always great to know a bit more about the character you’re using. Although, with story-based content not really being a thing for Overwatch anymore, these more minor trivia details are most of the canon info we’re likely to get outside of voice lines.

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