
Tiny Tina Wonderlands Tips | Best Practices for Adventuring


Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands offers a new coat of paint on the familiar Borderlands formula. At the whims of a fan favourite character and a returning voice cast, players will go through a fantasy inspired take on the looter shooter franchise. These Tiny Tina Wonderlands tips should help you on your runs.

Tiny Tina Wonderlands Tips

Source | 2K

Mix and Match the right classes

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands bursts with diverse classes, each with its own flair and firepower. Take the time early on to test different classes. Are you into sneaking and striking with precision? Or do you prefer summoning spells from afar? Pick a class that complements how you enjoy playing to really shine in the Wonderlands. Unlike some other class based games, you get access to a second class later on, allowing you to pick from the remaining classes. This can let you super specialise on a certain playstyle or cover multiple bases.

Leverage Your Environment and Conserve Your Resources

Strategic Surroundings: Those gorgeous landscapes? Elevation is key for gunfights, make use of the differences in terrain to kite enemies and make fights a little easier. Keep an eye out for environmental hazards too—they can be a game-changer in a tight spot.

It’s tempting to go all guns blazing, but managing your ammunition and spells is crucial. Reserve your most devastating abilities for boss fights or overwhelming odds, ensuring you never run dry when it matters most.

Upgrade Often: The game’s unique Ward and spell systems allow you to tailor your defensive and offensive setups extensively. Regular tweaks and upgrades to your equipment can turn the tide of battle in your favor, so never pass up the chance to enhance your arsenal.

Tiny Tina's Trophies

Explore, Engage and Play with Friends

Tiny Tina’s world is teeming with side quests and hidden challenges that are not just fun detours but also offer substantial rewards. Diving into these extras can arm you with rare loot and invaluable experience points, gearing you up for the bigger battles ahead.

Co-Op: Everything’s better with friends, including dungeon crawls through the Wonderlands. Teaming up allows for strategic plays and sharing the load, making daunting bosses more manageable and doubling the fun. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands also has split screen coop. So you can buddy up with a friend without having to go online.

Armed with these Tiny Tina Wonderlands tips, you’re set to carve a successful path through this wounderous  instalment in the Borderlands franchise. It’s not just about brute strength; strategy, curiosity, and sometimes a little teamwork make for the best tales. So gear up, tune into your character, and dive into the chaos—and charm—of this fantastical shooter adventure.

Read next: Tiny Tina Wonderlands Trophy Guide | Get your Platinum

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