
Jacy Jayne had surgery and is already counting the days until her return


Jacy Jayne suffered a broken nose in her match against Thea Hail on the April 30 Spring Breakin’ episode of NXT. Jacy posted some related pictures on social media in the days that followed:

On this week’s episode of NXT, Jazmyn Nyx cut a promo on Thea Hail for injuring her friend, and suggested that Thea should be suspended or fired by General Manager Ava Raine as a result of her actions. In the midst of her rant, Nyx said that Jayne had surgery to repair the damage.

That leads to the following photo posted by Jacy last night, where she’s already counting the days until her inevitable return.

The timetable for when Jayne can return is unclear for now, but I don’t doubt for a second that she will come back better than ever.

What else do you think there is left for Jacy Jayne to do in NXT after she recovers from her broken nose, Cagesiders?

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