
MSI 2024 Top Lane Power Rankings


It’s time to round off the power rankings: these are the best top lane players you must know heading into MSI 2024.

MSI top lane power rankings

Photo Credit: League of Legends Champions Korea

MSI Top Lane Power Rankings

5. BrokenBlade

BrokenBlade has been, without a doubt, the best LEC top laner in the last two years. Whether it’s thanks to his individual skills or champion pool, BB has proved over and over again his worth. The question is now whether he reached a point where he can battle it out with the best eastern talents in the world: MSI will give us a clearer idea of that gap.

4. Bin

Bin is back to MSI after making his name known to the world last year as the most charismatic top laner from the LPL. Compared to last season, however, he has been playing for the majority of the split as a weak side player so he hasn’t had the same amount of impact and carry we were used to. The top lane meta is shifting and we might see him gain increasing importance at MSI. We’ll have to see whether BLG is willing to play around him more than they did so far.

3. Zeus

Zeus was supposed to be fighting for the top spot of these rankings if it weren’t for his underperformance during the LCK playoffs. He looked off in the last games and was unable to make a difference like he did throughout the regular split. There are no doubts that Zeus can be the No. 1 top laner at his peak, but based on his recent performances, 3rd place is probably the right spot.

MSI top lane rankings

Photo Credit: League of Legends Champions Korea

2. 369

369 continues to be one of the best weakside top laners in the world. Just like last year on JDG, he has been covering a similar role on the TES lineup, absorbing pressure and playing utility picks for the majority of the split. There have been situational carry picks, however, which shows that the guy can deliver spicy picks as he earned the most amount of MVPs among all LPL top laners.

1. Kiin

I always regarded Kiin as one of the most talented top laners in the LCK and after struggling on mid-pack teams in the past seasons, he finally got the chance to prove his worth on the Gen.G super roster. The most consistent and solid player in the entire league, he dominated Zeus in the final to take his long-awaited LCK title. Now that this milestone has been achieved, he has the chance to go for the MSI title and keep Gen.G’s golden run alive.

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