
Tony Khan explains why you won’t see a lot of him on AEW TV going forward


AEW Dynamite

Tony Khan has played a key role in The Elite’s current storyline on AEW television; the Young Bucks injured his neck with a spike piledriver before attempting to run the show in his absence, only for Khan to return last night on Dynamite to lift The Elite’s ban on Darby Allin.

It seems that Tony will need to have a prominent role on TV going forward, given his position as President and the ongoing power struggle angle against his EVPs Matthew and Nicholas Jackson. However, during a call with the media today ahead of the The Elite’s Anarchy in the Arena match at Double or Nothing, Khan reiterated that the focus will remain on the wrestlers and the wrestling:

“I’ve really tried to limit the amount of appearances that I personally have made over the past five years. I think it would be fair to say that less than one-tenth of one percent of the television time has been spent on me over the last five years, and that’s how it should be. Occasionally, if a match needed to be made, or a major announcement, I would come out and do those things.

…It’s really important to me that the focus of the show is on the wrestlers and the wrestling. And I think even when there is a story like the struggle for control of the company, the power in the office, I think it’s still important to feature it in the context of the wrestling show and with the wrestlers. So even in a thing last night, I think I was, maybe for like, at most two seconds on the show. And that’s how it should be. You don’t need to see a ton of me. It should be about the wrestlers, and the reaction Darby got when he got into the arena.

And because the Young Bucks had banned him from the arena, and Kenny Omega has been out with the surgery, then there’s really only one person that could lift that ban…I felt like there was only one person that could get him in there. But again, I think it’s also important that, at most maybe two seconds of that would be me, and the rest is him, ‘cause it’s important to showcase the wrestlers on the wrestling show.”

It sounds like Tony doesn’t think his TV time will significantly increase from where it was prior to the start of this power struggle angle. If true, that means we won’t see him much on AEW TV aside from the occasional HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT or three.

Is Khan trying to throw us off the trail of his inevitable heel turn and future character arc as an abusive authority figure? I suppose only time will tell.

Do you believe what Tony Khan says about his AEW TV time, Cagesiders?

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