
The Undertaker On Why He And John Cena Barely Wrestled Each Other


During an interview with Comicbook.com, The Undertaker spoke on the reasons behind he and John Cena wrestling each other very little considering the lengthy amount of time that they spent in the business together. Here’s what he had to say:

No, honestly it was just the booking. And that time period when I was still working all the time, we were both babyfaces so you didn’t really want to do that. And then it just came down to at the end there, John wanted to work with me and do something and it was fresh. And like I said, at this point in the career, it’s hard to come up with fresh matches. It’s just difficult because you have to cycle through everybody so many different times, but no there was never really reason why, it was just the way things were booked.

You can read the interview HERE.

Credit: Comicbook.com

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