
Best Bot Lane Duos in LoL (Updated to Patch 13.10)


Struggling to find the strongest bot lane duos in the meta? Here is our list of the best-performing and popular pairings for Patch 13.10.

best bot lane duos

Image Credits | Riot Games

Best Bot Lane Duos to play in Patch 13.10

When you play solo queue in League of Legends, there might be times when you will be playing with a friend or partner. Duo queue has been a rising tool that players use to increase their chances of victory and climb the ladder faster.

This is particularly common for bottom laners, as the two can take advantage of the champions’ synergy, as well as communication, to stomp the enemies and snowball the game more often.

If you’re not sure which pairings are stronger currently, we have created a list of the best bot lane duos for the current Patch 13.10. We will be going over the key strengths of each duo, hoping that it will help you win more games.

Jhin – Lux

Jhin has been one of the best ADCs after the introduction of the new ADC items so any support that works well with him is going to be strong. That said, if we have to choose one champion, then it’s probably Lux that makes the scariest bot lane carry duo.

The greatest strength the two champions have together is their ability to poke from a distance and apply long crowd controls to the targets. Whether it’s Lux’s Q or Jhin’s W, the crowd control duration is long enough to concatenate the rest of the abilities and deal significant damage. Not to mention that Lux and Jhin deal different types of damage, making it a lot harder to itemize against.

That said, this bot lane suffers from a major weakness and that is the lack of mobility: don’t overextend without proper vision control. and be aware of the enemies’ movements to know whether you’re being ganked.

Read also: Best supports with Jhin in League


While Jinx got indirectly nerfed by the ADC item changes in the mid-season patch, she’s still finding her own footing alongside her best support pairings. Among them, Milio is performing the best.

The enchanter champion allows Jinx to get through the laning phase more easily thanks to the shields and heals from Cozy Campfire (W). On top of that, he can neutralize enemies’ engage attempts with the Q.

But the shining point of this bot lane duo is when it comes to the late game teamfights. The extra attack range from Milio’s W, as well as the cleansing and healing ability from the ultimate prevent Jinx from getting into any type of dangerous position while also improving her overall DPS. If you’re confident in your positioning, this bot lane is the right one for you.

Read more: Best supports with Jinx in League

Kog’Maw – Milio

Aside from Jinx, Kog’Maw is another champion that works great with Milio, for extremely similar reasons. Both champions are hyperscaling and relatively immobile so it’s perfect for both.

What’s better with Kog’Maw is that it sacrifices the early game for a stronger late game. The DPS Kog’Maw can offer with Milio’s empowering effects is even higher than Jinx’s. If the enemies don’t have a hyper aggressive bot lane duo that can punish Kog’Maw, consider playing this bot lane duo instead.

Draven – Pyke

Speaking of hyper aggressive bot lanes, Draven and Pyke are one of the best choices possible in the current patch. Not only is Draven still strong, but Pyke is one of the strongest counters when it comes to punishing enchanter champions.

The assassin champion boasts so much mobility that there is hardly any way for the enemies to run away from him. Paired with his crowd controls from Q and E, the support can lock down the target and have Draven pick up the kill with just a few auto attacks.

Having said that, both champions require an incredibly high level of mechanical proficiency, as well as great coordination between the two since the windows of opportunities are low. But if the enemies draft a scaling bot lane, this is the ultimate counter to dominate them.


Even though they are not a popular bot lane duo, Senna and Karthus are one of the best pairings of the patch. The main reasons why the two aren’t played as much are the peculiarity and difficulty of the champions themselves.

In particular, Karthus is a mechanically demanding champion. As a bot laner, you will have to be extremely careful with your positioning, and you will have to juggle your abilities between trading and farming.

When played well, however, this duo can single-handedly carry the game. Both champions have incredible scaling, but you can also find an early game advantage with some successful trades.

Senna gets to farm the souls consistently while providing some sustain for his carry. Karthus, on the other hand, has immense AoE damage and wants to trade aggressively: it’s always worth trading kills since Karthus needs to get a lot of gold for his own items.

If you want to play something more out-of-the-box, this might be your secret bot lane pick of the patch.

Read more: LoL Tier List (Patch 13.10)

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