
Vince McMahon Reportedly Didn’t See Anything Special in Luke Harper


Many people were speculating that Luke Harper would not be resigning with WWE when his contract expired due to the rumors that someone in management didn’t think very highly of him. According to Dave Meltzer, that person ended up being Vince McMahon.

A source in WWE told Meltzer that McMahon didn’t see anything special in Luke Harper. The source added that he believes Harper made the right decision in wanting away from the company.

Harper had been mostly underutilized during his time in WWE. His solo run was cut abruptly short a few years ago which started the rumor that someone behind the scenes didn’t believe in him.

Harper had requested his release last year but was initially denied. His contract should have been extended due to injuries putting him out, but the WWE decided to release him early and let him go.

Most people expect Harper to show up in AEW after his 90 No Compete clause is up. He’s already trademarked the name Brodie Lee to use outside of WWE.

(credit: f4wonline.com)

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