
The New Day On Being Told They’d Never Get T-Shirts


During a recent episode of Feel The Power, The New Day discussed being told that they’d never get t-shirts early in their run. Here’s what they had to say:

We asked, yeah. ‘When can we get a shirt in a venue? Just any venue?’ This man looked at us. The three of us who were working very hard, we were actually getting reactions now and things were picking up some steam. We were on our way, and he looked at us and he said, ‘Never, hahahaha!’ He said ‘Never,’ and he laughed at us. He said that we would never be able to have a New Day shirt in a venue for purchase.

And when you go to one of these venues — I don’t know if people listening have been to live events or to TVs. But when you go out there, there’s probably at least 12 shirts, at least. You get a variety of different shirts, you can go out and buy some different shirts. There’s many options; it’s not like it’s just John Cena. There’s space for people like us…and this man looked at us and said ‘Never,’ and had the gall to laugh in our faces? And it wasn’t a joke; he meant it. He meant, that’s how he felt.

And you’ve gotta remember, this is a point of us, we’re hustling. We’re struggling to get off the ground. We need — every little victory means something. Every opportunity to get a piece of merch in a building means something. To get a promo we want means something, because we need every little victory just to stay afloat. And to be laughed at by merch — merch is supposed to help us. Merch is supposed to be in our corner to help us get our brand out, for people to support us. That’s a big thing, when people can look out into the crowd and see all those people who are rocking with us. But to have a man who’s supposed to be in a position to help us, to help everybody — that’s what his job [is], to help talent get their brand on shirts. It’s not just the top guys. People from top to bottom should all be able to get their brand out there. And for him to laugh at us, really is something that I’ll never forget. Regardless of how far along we get as a group and how much we’ve made it, and how much success we have. I’ll be 60, 70 years old and I’ll still remember that.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Feel The Power. H/T 411Mania.

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