
Top 5 Most Overpowered LoL Champions – Patch 14.7


There are always going to be champions in LoL who are overpowered. And the answer is always different, depending on who you ask. So the question is, which champions are overpowered in League of Legends?

We bring you the five most overpowered champions in LoL on the current patch.

Best League of Legends Champions in Patch 14.7

Jinx, the Loose Cannon

Jinx - Overpowered LoL ADC Champion

Image Credit: Riot Games

Jinx is right at the top of the ADC tier list right now and is worthy of being on the overpowered LoL champions list. According to stats, Jinx has the highest pick rate at the moment of any champion in her position, at 28%.

With Lethality being dialed back and Crit items coming back into the fold, it’s no surprise that Jinx shot up the ranks in patch 14.7. Jinx is the ultimate late-game insurance champion who scales incredibly. She can single-handedly turn a fight on her own with her passive, which grants movement speed and attack speed upon a kill or an assist.

Darius, the Hand of Noxus

Darius - Top Lane OP Champ

Image Credit: Riot Games

One of the best early-game champions on Summoners Rift, Darius, is the ideal champion to pick if you want to be a top laner.

Darius’s passive allows him to play aggressively and duel from level one. You can surprise the enemy with early trades, using Crippling Strike (W) to slow, applying Ghost and chase aggressively to get the kill. Even if you do not get the kill, you are likely to secure a Summoner Spell advantage as they might have to Flash out to escape, and Teleport back to lane after.

Darius is best when the enemy top laner picks a melee champion. This is because they have to farm and play within his trading range, which is right where Darius likes his enemies to be.

Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman

Master Yi - Overpowered LoL Champion

Image Credit: Riot Games

Master Yi will forever be one of the stronger picks in League of Legends simply due to his kit. He’s also one of the best beginner champions in the game.

If you play against Yi, and your team does not have enough CC (Crowd Control) to lock him down, he will run you over. This is the case at any ELO, although the higher up you go, the more likely players are to pick champions with enough disables to lock him down, making him useless.

Yi is the ultimate chase-down artist. If he catches you out of position, he will pop his ultimate and chop you to pieces. He can do this continuously, as his ultimate cooldown is relatively low, and it also extends by 7 seconds for every takedown. Master Yi’s Alpha Strike (Q) allows him to shift tower aggro as he becomes untargetable, making him great at tower diving.

Read next: LoL Patch 14.8 – Details, Release Date, and more

Volibear, the Relentless Storm

League of Legends - Volibear

Image Credit: Riot Games

Volibear is potentially the strongest champion in this article due to his strengths across all game stages. In both the Top Lane and the Jungle, Volibear is a powerful duelist in the early game and an unkillable tank in the late game. It may take multiple players just to kill him in an isolated fight, let alone with teammates to back him up.

Volibear is one of the ultimate Junglers because of his ability to set up easy tower dives for his team. His ultimate disables the turret briefly, meaning he and his team can dive easily.

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger

Aurelion Sol - Overpowered LoL champion

Image Credit: Riot Games

Perhaps the best scaling champion in LoL, Aurelion Sol, is an excellent champion. A’Sol rose to power in patch 14.7 and is amongst the best in his role. Not only does he scale well, but he can easily avoid ganks. That is music to the Junglers’ ears, a laner that should have no problem surviving alone.

He can also roam and execute ganks very well himself, as his Astral Flight (W) allows him to move through terrain.

A’Sol should also offer his team priority over the objectives with his great poke and wave clear. When the late-game hits, his ultimate is a game decider, as he can do huge amount of damage on the entire enemy team with it when stacked up enough.

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