
NWA USA Results 12/10/22


NWA USA Results 12/10/22
Skyway Studios
Nashville, Tennessee

Commentary Team: (Joe Galli & Velvet Sky)

Team Great: (Bully Ray, Judais, PJ Hawx, Angelina Love, Missa Kate and Sal Rinauro) 

Team Fixers: (Odinson, Damage, Rush Freeman, Kilynn King, Marti Belle and Wrecking Ball Legursky) 

Team Tyrus: (EC3, Thrillbilly Silas, Carnage, Allysin Kay, Kayla Kassidy and Rolando Freeman) 

Team Brickhouse: (Thomas Latimer, JR Kratos, The Question Mark II, Samantha Starr, Madi Wrenkowski and Jeremiah Plunkett) 

First Match: (Team Fixers) Kilynn King vs. (Team Great) Angelina Love In A First Round Match In The 2022 NWA Champions Series

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. King applies a side headlock. Side Headlock Takeover/Headscissors Escape Exchange. Love side steps King into the turnbuckles. King blocks The Lights Out. King goes for The Delayed Vertical Suplex, but Love counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Love with a forearm smash. Love poses for the crowd. Following a snap mare takeover, King applies The CrossFace. Love puts her foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Love with a shoulder block. Love slams King’s head on two turnbuckle pad. Love with a Flying Crossbody Block. Love ducks a clothesline from King. Love drops King with a NeckBreaker for a two count.

Love yells at the referee. King dives over Love. King thrust kicks the midsection of Love. King with a corner clothesline. Short-Arm Reversal by Love. King hits The Death Valley Driver for a two count. King goes for a Bodyslam, but Love lands back on her feet. King denies The Botox Injection. King brings Love down to the mat. Love applies The Koji Clutch. King puts her foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. King decks Love with a back elbow smash. Love connects with The Lights Out. Love reapplies The Koji Clutch. King rolls Love over for a two count. King makes Love tap out to The CrossFace.

Winner: Kilynn King via Submission 

– Austin Idol Vignette.

– Don’t forget to get your replica NWA Belts at fandubelts.com/NWA 

Second Match: (Team Brickhouse) The Question Mark II vs. (Team Tyrus) Carnage In A First Round Match In The 2022 NWA Champions Series 

Shoulder Block Exchange. Short-Arm Lariat Exchange. Carnage with a forearm smash. Carnage drives his knee into the midsection of Mark. Mark chops Carnage in the back of the head. Mark with a Running Crossbody Block. Mark goes for a Running Crossbody Block, but Carnage ducks out of the way. Carnage bodyslams Mark. Carnage with a Running Knee Drop. Carnage kicks Mark in the face. Mark with heavy bodyshots. Mark with a backhand. Carnage dropkicks Mark. Carnage fish hooks Mark. Carnage with clubbing blows to Mark’s chest.

Mark with two sharp elbow strikes. Carnage drives his knee into the midsection of Mark. Mark slaps Carnage in the chest. Mark with a forearm smash. Carnage HeadButts Mark. Carnage is trying to remove Mark’s mask. Mark delivers a series of karate chops. Carnage Powerslams Mark for a two count. Mark decks Carnage with a back elbow smash. Mark kicks Carnage in the face. Mark with a Discus Lariat. Mark delivers The Mongrovian Spike. Mark gets distracted by Kamille. Mark side steps Carnage into the turnbuckles. Mark makes Carnage tap out to The Mongrovian Death Grip.

Winner: The Question Mark II via Submission 

Third Match: (Team Fixers) Marti Belle vs. (Team Great) Missa Kate In A First Round Match In The 2022 NWA Champions Series 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Belle applies a side headlock. Belle with two side headlock takeovers. Kate answers with a headscissors escape. Belle grabs a side headlock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Belle goes back to the side headlock. Kate backs Belle into the turnbuckles. Kate spits her gum at Belle. Belle with forearm shivers. Misfired Clotheslines. Belle with a forearm smash. Belle with a Running Bulldog. Belle follows that with The PK for a two count. Kate decks Belle with a back elbow smash. Kate drives Belle face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Kate goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Belle counters with an inside cradle for a one count. Kate kicks Belle in the gut. Kate punches Belle in the back. Kate with an Axe Kick. Kate kicks Belle in the back for a one count.

Kate whips Belle into the turnbuckles. Kate slams Belle’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Kate with an overhand chop. Forearm Exchange. Kate with clubbing shoulder blocks. Belle rolls Kate over for a two count. Kate delivers a Roundhouse Kick for a two count. Kate applies a bodyscissors hold. Belle with three sharp elbow strikes. Belle with two clotheslines. Belle ducks a clothesline from Kate. Belle with a Rolling Elbow. Belle drops Kate with a Reverse STO for a two count. Belle whips Kate across the ring. Kate holds onto the ropes. Kate kicks Belle in the face. Kate tosses Belle out of the ring. Kate with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Belle with a forearm smash. Kate pulls Belle off the ring apron. Kate slaps Belle in the chest. Second Forearm Exchange. Kate gets back in the ring at the count of nine and Belle gets counted out. As a result of that, Team Fixers has been eliminated.

Winner: Missa Kate via Count-Out 

Fourth Match: (Team Brickhouse) Madi Wrenkowski & Samantha Starr vs. (Team Tyrus) Allysin Kay & Kayla Kassidy In A First Round Match In The 2022 NWA Champions Series 

Samantha Starr and Kayla Kassidy will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Side Headlock Exchange. Kassidy whips Starr across the ring. Starr drops Kassidy with a shoulder tackle. Starr with clubbing blows to Kassidy’s back. Starr sends Kassidy to the corner. Starr with a Running Hip Attack. Starr tags in Wrenkowski. Wrenkowski with a corner clothesline. Following a snap mare takeover, Wrenkowski with a flying face plant for a two count. Wrenkowski applies a wrist lock. Kassidy tugs on Wrenkowski’s hair. Wrenkowski with a single leg takedown for a one count. Wrenkowski applies a front face lock. Kassidy nails Wrenkowski with The Hook Kick. Kay ignores Kassidy. Wrenkowski rolls Kassidy over for a two count. Kassidy kicks Wrenkwoski in the gut. Chop Exchange. Following a snap mare takeover, Wrenkowski goes into the lateral press for a one count. Kassidy decks Wrenkowski with a JawBreaker. Kassidy with a forearm smash. Kassidy goes for a Bodyslam, but Wrenkowski counters with The Reverse DDT.

Wrenkowski applies The Dragon Sleeper. Kassidy yanks on Wrenkowski’s hair. The referee calls for the disqualification, but this match will continue. Kay gets tagged in. Kay clotheslines Wrenkowski. Kay scores the elbow knockdown. Kay ducks a clothesline from Wrenkowski. Kay with a Twisting NeckBreaker. Kay sends Wrenkowski to the corner. Kay with a Corner Splash. Kassidy tags herself in. Kassidy taunts Wrenkowski. Tyrus is pissed. Wrenkowski tags in Starr. Starr with two clotheslines for a two count. Starr punches Kassidy in the back. Starr sends Kassidy to the corner. Starr with a Running Hip Attack. Following a snap mare takeover, Starr kicks Kassidy in the back. Starr repeatedly drives Kassidy face first into the canvas. Starr rolls Kassidy over for a two count. Kassidy with forearm shivers. Kay tags herself in.

Kay ducks a clothesline from Starr. Kay with a running clothesline. Kay with a back elbow smash. Kay hits The SpineBuster. Kay applies The Boston Crab. Starr uses her feet to create separation. Kay stomps on Starr’s back. Kay slaps Starr in the chest. Starr side steps Kay into the turnbuckles. Starr with a back elbow smash. Starr with a Running Bulldog for a two count. Kay drives Starr back first into the turnbuckles. Kay with clubbing shoulder blocks. Kay with a blistering chop. Kay sends Starr to the corner. Kay levels Starr with The Body Avalanche for a two count. Kay applies a straight jacket hold. Kay kicks the right hamstring of Starr. Kassidy pulls Wrenkowski off the ring apron. Wrenkowski sends Kassidy face first into the steel ring post. Kay reapplies The Boston Crab as time expires. As a result of that, we’re going have a tie breaker match following the commercial break.

Match Result: Time-Limit Draw 

Fifth Match: (Team Tyrus) Rolando Freeman vs. (Team Brickhouse) In A Tie-Breaker Match In The 2022 NWA Champions Series 

Quick shoving contest after the bell rings. Plunkett backs Freeman into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Freeman applies a side headlock. Plunkett whips Freeman across the ring. Freeman runs into Plunkett. Shoulder Block Exchange. Freeman trips Plunkett. Freeman dropkicks Plunkett. Freeman with The La Magistral for a two count. Freeman with a cradle rollup for a one count. Freeman punches Plunkett. Freeman unloads two knife edge chops. Plunkett rocks Freeman with a forearm smash. Freeman ducks a clothesline from Plunkett. Freeman drops Plunkett with The Bulldog for a one count. Freeman uppercuts Plunkett. Freeman with two running elbow smashes. Freeman hits The Bronco Buster. Freeman with a straight right hand. Plunkett reverses out of the irish whip from Freeman. Freeman dives over Plunkett.

Plunkett lands a massive haymaker. Plunkett pulls Freeman down to the mat. Plunkett rocks Freeman with a forearm smash. Plunkett fish hooks Freeman. Plunkett whips Freeman into the turnbuckles. Plunkett with another forearm smash. Freeman repeatedly kicks Plunkett in the face. Freeman with a Shotgun Dropkick. Freeman delivers his combination offense. Freeman scores the elbow knockdown. Freeman with a Running Senton Splash for a two count. Plunkett dodges The Running Boot. Plunkett with a Belly to Back Suplex. Plunkett drops Freeman with The DDT for a two count. Freeman puts his toe on the bottom rope. Plunkett with rapid fire bodyshots in the corner. The referee admonishes Plunkett. Plunkett repeatedly stomps on Freeman’s chest. Freeman side steps Plunkett into the turnbuckles. Freeman with a Diving HeadButt. Freeman connects with The Biggest Boot to pickup the victory. Team Brickhouse has been eliminated.

Winner: Rolando Freeman via Pinfall 

Team Tyrus & Team Great Advances To The Second Round Of The NWA Champions Series.


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