
NJPW Super Jr. Tag League Results 12/10/22


NJPW Super Jr. Tag League Results 12/10/22
Uwajima City Overall Gymnasium
Ehime, Japan

First Match: Ryohei Oiwa & Kosei Fujita vs. Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube 

Kosei Fujita and Oskar Leube will start things off. Chain grappling exchange. Standing Switch Exchange. Leube with a waist lock takedown. Fujita grapevines the legs of Leube. Leube kicks Fujita in the gut. Leube punches Fujita in the back. Leube applies a side headlock. Fujita whips Leube across the ring. Leube drops Fujita with a shoulder tackle. Leube repeatedly stomps on Fujita’s back and chest. Leube tags in Nakashima. Nakashima stomps on Fujita’s back. Forearm Exchange. Nakashima kicks the left knee of Fujita. Nakashima bodyslams Fujita for a two count. Nakashima stomps on Fujita’s chest. Nakashima slams Fujita’s head on the red turnbuckle pad. Nakashima tags in Leube. Leube stomps on Fujita’s chest. Leube with a Hip Toss for a two count. Leube rocks Oiwa with a forearm smash. Leube kicks Oiwa out of the ring. Leube continues to stomp on Oiwa’s chest. Leube applies The Boston Crab. Fujita grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Leube repeatedly stomps on Fujita’s chest. Second Forearm Exchange. Fujita drops down on the canvas. Fujita dropkicks Leube.

Fujita with a deep arm-drag. Fujita tags in Oiwa. Third Forearm Exchange. Leube reverses out of the irish whip from Oiwa. Oiwa dodges the running back elbow smash. Oiwa with two running elbow strikes. Oiwa with a Corner Dropkick. Oiwa follows that with a running shoulder tackle for a two count. Leube blocks The Boston Crab. Oiwa stomps on Leube’s back. Oiwa peppers Leube with more forearms. Leube bodyslams Oiwa. Fujita and Nakashima are tagged in. Double Shoulder Block. Fourth Forearm Exchange. Fujita reverses out of the irish whip from Nakashima. Fujita dropkicks Nakashima. Fujita bodyslams Nakashima. Fujita applies The Boston Crab. Leube breaks up the submission. Oiwa with forearm shivers. Double Irish Whip. Double Dropkick. Oiwa kicks Leube out of the ring. Fifth Forearm Exchange. Fujita slaps Nakashima in the chest. Nakashima with a Back Body Drop for a two count. Nakashima with forearm shivers. Nakashima scores the forearm knockdown. Fujita blocks The Mid-Kick. Fujita hammers down on the right knee of Nakashima. Fujita slaps Nakashima in the face. Fujita ducks a clothesline from Nakashima. Fujita makes Nakashima tap out to The Boston Crab.

Winner: Ryohei Oiwa & Kosei Fujita via Submission 

Second Match: Yoshi Hashi, Tomoaki Honma and Master Wato vs. Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer and El Desperado In A 6-Man Tag Team Match 

Suzuki Gun attacks Hontai before the bell rings. Suzuki repeatedly stomps on Hashi’s chest. Desperado rakes the eyes of Wato. Archer blinds Honma with his own jacket. Archer with rapid fire haymakers. Suzuki drives his knee into the midsection of Hashi. Suzuki kicks Hashi in the gut. Forearm Exchange. Suzuki talks smack to Hashi. Hashi unloads two knife edge chops. Suzuki ducks a clothesline from Hashi. Suzuki applies The Rope Assisted Arm-Bar. All hell is breaking loose in Uwajima. The referee is losing control of this match. Suzuki dumps a chair on Hashi’s back. Suzuki makes the referee stop counting. Desperado rolls Hashi back into the ring. Suzuki applies a wrist lock. Suzuki tags in Archer. Archer tells Hashi to bring it. Second Forearm Exchange. Archer puts his foot on Hashi’s chest for a two count. Archer tags in Desperado. Desperado stomps on Hashi’s face. Desperado rakes the eyes of Hashi. Hashi with a blistering chop. Desperado drives his knee into the midsection of Hashi. Hashi ducks a clothesline from Desperado. Desperado avoids The Spinning Mule Kick. Hashi with a Counter Vertical Suplex.

Hashi tags in Wato. Wato dives over Desperado. Wato punches Archer. Archer answers with a forearm smash. Wato kicks Desperado in the face. Wato with two sharp elbow strikes. Wato ducks a clothesline from Desperado. Wato repeatedly shoves Desperado into Archer. Wato knocks Suzuki off the ring apron. Wato whips Desperado across the ring. Wato buries his elbow into the midsection of Desperado. Wato with a backhand. Wato drops Desperado with a Running Bulldog for a two count. Wato goes for a German Suplex, but Desperado blocks it. Desperado goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Wato lands back on his feet. Wato ducks a clothesline from Desperado. Wato hits The Zig Zag for a two count. Mid-Kick/Forearm Exchange. Desperado hammers down on the right knee of Wato. Desperado with a forearm smash. Desperado with a Belly to Back Suplex.

Desperado tags in Archer. Archer whips Wato into the blue turnbuckle pad. Wato side steps Archer into the blue turnbuckle pad. Wato tags in Honma. Honma runs into Archer. Shoulder Block Exchange. Honma blocks The Chokeslam. Honma with three knife edge chops. Archer reverses out of the irish whip from Honma. Honma side steps the running back elbow from Archer. Honma goes for a Bodyslam, but Archer blocks it. Archer bodyslams Honma. Archer goes for a Running Splash, but Honma ducks out of the way. Hashi stomps on Archer’s chest. Double Irish Whip. Double Shoulder Block. Honma with a short-arm lariat. Hashi dropkicks the left knee of Archer. Hashi delivers The Head Hunter. Honma lands The Kokeshi HeadButt. Hashi dumps Suzuki out of the ring. Honma goes for a Diving Kokeshi HeadButt, but Archer counters with a forearm smash. Honma rises back on his feet. Suzuki applies The Sleeper Hold. Archer connects with The EBD Claw to pickup the victory.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer and El Desperado via Pinfall 

Third Match: Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi and Hiromu Takahashi vs. Bad Luck Fale, Taiji Ishimori and Gedo In A 6-Man Tag Team Match 

Hiromu Takahashi and Taiji Ishimori will start things off. Takahashi ducks a clothesline from Ishimori. Ishimori fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Takahashi blocks The Bloody Cross. Takahashi sends Ishimori into the ropes. Takahashi goes for a Running Death Valley Driver, but Ishimori lands back on his feet. Takahashi ducks a clothesline from Ishimori. Takahashi with a corner clothesline. Takahashi with a basement dropkick for a two count. Takahashi goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Ishimori lands back on his feet. Ishimori sends Takahashi to the corner. Ishimori has Takahashi sitting on the middle rope. Ishimori with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ishimori with a Sliding German Suplex. Fale drives Takagi face first into the steel ring post. Ishimori rakes the eyes of Takahashi. Gedo whips Naito into a row of chairs. The referee is losing control of this match. Ishimori rolls Takahashi back into the ring. Ishimori goes into the lateral press for a two count. Ishimori tags in Fale. The Tongan Massage Parlor is open for business. Fale tags in Gedo. Gedo rakes the eyes of Takahashi. Gedo applies the greco roman throat hold.

Gedo is choking Takahashi with his boot. The referee is trying to calm down LIJ. Gedo poses for the crowd. Gedo talks smack to Takahashi. Takahashi starts swinging at the air. Gedo continues to rake the eyes of Takahashi. Gedo tags in Ishimori. Ishimori toys around with Takahashi. Takahashi with three overhand chops. Ishimori rakes the eyes of Takahashi. Ishimori sends Takahashi to the corner. Takahashi side steps Ishimori into a turnbuckle pad. Ishimori stops Takahashi in his tracks. Takahashi blocks a boot from Ishimori. Takahashi drops Ishimori with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Ishimori goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Takahashi counters with The Falcon Arrow. Takagi and Fale are tagged in. Takagi ducks a clothesline from Fale. Takagi runs into Fale. Shoulder Block Exchange. Takagi denies The Grenade. Takagi avoids a flurry of strikes from Fale. Takagi scores a left jab. Takagi ducks another clothesline from Fale. Takagi with a running shoulder tackle. Takagi with a corner clothesline. Fale fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Fale puts Takagi down with a shoulder tackle. Fale tags in Gedo.

Gedo with a JawBreaker. Takagi blocks The SuperKick. Takagi hammers down on the right knee of Gedo. Gedo fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Gedo with the greco roman eye poke. Takagi decks Gedo with a back elbow smash. Takagi scores a right jab. Takagi with a Fake Out DDT. Takagi tags in Naito. Naito punches Gedo’s beard. Naito sends Gedo to the corner. Naito with a Corner Dropkick. Naito sweeps out the legs of Gedo. Combination Cabron. Naito with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Naito blocks a boot from Gedo. Naito with clubbing elbow smashes. Ishimori with a SpringBoard Seated Senton. Ishimori knocks Takahashi off the ring apron. Ishimori with a Corner Meteora. Fale levels Naito with The Body Avalanche. Gedo SuperKicks Naito for a two count. Fale yells at the referee. Gedo grabs the brass knuckles. Takahashi SuperKicks Gedo. Takagi clotheslines Fale over the top rope. Double Irish Whip. Gedo takes a ride on The LIJ Train. Naito with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Naito with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Takagi follows that with The Pumping Bomber. Naito connects with The Jackknife Hold to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi and Hiromu Takahashi via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: (4) Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask vs. (2) Kushida & Kevin Knight In A NJPW Super Jr. Tag League 2022 Tournament Match 

Robbie Eagles and Kushida will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Chain grappling exchange. Eagles floats over into a side headlock. Kushida transitions into a front face lock. Eagles applies a hammerlock with his legs. Kushida with a side headlock takeover. Eagles grabs a top wrist lock. Kushida with a single leg takedown. Kushida applies a side headlock. Kushida grapevines the legs of Eagles. Kushida applies a double wrist lock. Eagles with a side headlock takeover. Kushida blocks The Ron Miller Special. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Test Of Strength. Eagles applies a knuckle lock. Knight tags himself in. Kushida reverses out of the irish whip from Eagles. Kushida drops down on the canvas. Kushida dumps Eagles out of the ring. Double Elbow to Tiger. Knight with a Slingshot Pescado. Knight rolls Eagles back into the ring. Knight stomps on Eagles back. Knight uppercuts Eagles. Knight with a forearm smash. Knight whips Eagles across the ring. Knight goes for a Dropkick, but Eagles holds onto the ropes. Eagles tags in Tiger. Double Irish Whip. Double Hip Toss. Flying Tigers unloads a flurry of kicks. Double Basement Dropkick.

Eagles drives his knee into the midsection of Kushida. Eagles kicks the left knee of Kushida. Double Irish Whip. Tiger drops down on the canvas. Eagles dropkicks Kushida. Tiger with clubbing mid-kicks in the corner. Following a snap mare takeover, Tiger applies a rear chin lock. Tiger pulls back the arms of Knight. Tiger puts his knee on the back of Knight’s neck. Tiger hammers down on the back of Knight’s back. Tiger kicks Knight in the back. Tiger tags in Eagles. Eagles stands on the left leg of Knight. Eagles with a Knee Drop. Eagles repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest. Knight unloads two knife edge chops. Eagles kicks the left knee of Knight. Eagles brings Knight to the blue corner. Knight lunges over Eagles. Knight tags in Kushida. Kushida with a Flying Tomahawk Chop. Kushida repeatedly kicks the left shoulder of Eagles. Eagles reverses out of the irish whip from Kushida. Kushida with a Running Crossbody Block. Kushida ducks a clothesline from Eagles. Kushida with an Overhead Kick. Kushida with a Running Shotei. Eagles avoids The Flying Knee. Eagles with a back bridge cover for a two count. Kushida avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Forearm Exchange. Kushida kicks the left shoulder of Eagles. Eagles answers with a Roundhouse Kick. Eagles SuperKicks Kushida. Kushida dodges The Windmill Kick. Kushida with a running shoulder kick. Kushida puts Eagles on his shoulders. Kushida tags in Knight. Eagles fights out of the electric chair position. Eagles shoves Kushida into Knight. Kushida reverses out of the irish whip from Eagles. Kushida with a Hip Toss. Kushida with a Cartwheel Dropkick. Knight follows that with a Twisting Frog Splash for a two count. Knight knocks Tiger off the ring apron. Knight with a forearm smash. Eagles blocks The Leaping DDT.

Eagles ducks a clothesline from Knight. Eagles kicks Tiger off the apron. Eagles kicks Knight in the face. Eagles with a Sliding Elbow Smash. Eagles tags in Tiger. Tiger with Three Mid-Kicks. Tiger sends Knight to the corner. Tiger with another Mid-Kick. Flying Tigers gangs up on Kushida. Double Butterfly Suplex for a two count. Kushida with rapid fire haymakers. Tiger with a Spinning Back Kick. Eagles kicks the left hamstring of Kushida. Roundhouse Kick/SuperKick Combination. Double Irish Whip. Apron Enzuigiri/Roundhouse Kick Combination to Knight. Knight avoids The SpringBoard Missile Dropkick. Knight with the backslide cover for a two count. Tiger with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Tiger applies The Reverse Double Arm-Bar. Kushida kicks Tiger in the face. Eagles dumps Kushida out of the ring. Knight decks Eagles with a back elbow smash. Knight kicks Tiger in the face. Knight launches Eagles over the top rope. Kushida with a Handspring Kick. Tiger whips Kushida across the ring. Kushida with a Handspring Back Elbow Smash. Knight with a sliding shoulder tackle for a two count. Tiger is displaying his fighting spirit. Knight drops down on the canvas. Knight dropkicks Tiger. Knight pops back on his feet. Kushida applies The Kimura Lock. Knight connects with The Leaping DDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kushida & Kevin Knight via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: (6) Ryusuke Taguchi & Clark Connors vs. (2) SHO & Dick Togo In A NJPW Super Jr. Tag League 2022 Tournament Match 

House Of Torture attacks The Flying Hips before the bell rings. House Of Torture gangs up on Connors. Double Irish Whip. Connors with a double shoulder tackle. Assisted Hip Attack Party. Taguchi climbs up to the middle rope. Connors drives Togo face first into Taguchi’s backside. Connors drives his knee into the midsection of Sho. Sho sends Connors face first into Taguchi’s backside. Taguchi gets demolished in the corner. Togo kicks Taguchi out of the ring. Sho grabs a steel chair. Togo with a straight right hand. Sho and Connors are brawling in the crowd. Sho whips Connors into a wall. The referee is losing control of this match. Sho launches Connors onto the stage. Connors goes for a Flying Hip Attack, but Sho counters with The Atomic Drop. Both guys avoid the referee’s twenty count. Sho tags in Togo. Togo repeatedly stomps on Connor’s back. Togo is choking Connors with his boot. Togo punches Connors in the jaw. Togo with another haymaker. The referee’s had enough of House Of Torture’s nonsense in the corner. Connors with elbows into the midsection of Togo. Togo with a high elbow smash. Togo follows that with a Running Fist Drop for a two count. Togo tags in Sho.

Sho stands on the left hand of Connors. Sho toys around with Connors. Connors with forearm shivers. Sho rakes the eyes of Connors. Connors Spears Sho. Taguchi and Togo are tagged in. Hip Attack Party. Taguchi with a SpringBoard Hip Attack for a two count. Taguchi hits The Three Amigos for a two count. Double Hip Attack for a two count. Taguchi applies The Ankle Lock. Sho is putting the boots to Taguchi. Connors drives his knee into the midsection of Sho. Connors dumps Sho out of the ring. Sho drives Connors back first into the steel ring post. Togo blocks The Uwajami Suplex. Sho tags himself in. Double Eye Rake. Togo kicks Taguchi in the gut. Double Irish Whip. EVIL and Yujiro Takahashi make their way down to the ringside area.

Taguchi inadvertently knocks down the referee with The Running Hip Attack. House Of Torture gangs up on Taguchi. Connors snatches the wrench away from Sho. House Of Torture are mauling Connors in the corner. Taguchi starts drinking whiskey. Taguchi makes Sho dizzy. Taguchi with a low blow to Togo. EVIL grabs Taguchi from behind. Taguchi kicks Takahashi in the face. Taguchi decks EVIL with a back elbow smash. Taguchi with a low blow to EVIL. Sho rakes the eyes of Taguchi. Taguchi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Taguchi plays to the crowd. Taguchi delivers The Uwajami Suplex for a two count. Sho avoids The Double Hip Attack. Togo repeatedly stomps on Connor’s chest. Meeting Of The Minds. Stereo Bodyslams. Stereo Stinkfaces. Rollup Exchange. Takahashi nails Connors with a steel chair. Togo wraps the garrote around Taguchi’s neck. Sho nails Taguchi with the wrench. Sho connects with The Shock Arrow to pickup the victory.

Winner: SHO & Dick Togo via Pinfall 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Sixth Match: (12) Alex Zayne & El Lindaman vs. (6) Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki In A NJPW Super Jr. Tag League 2022 Tournament Match 

Suzuki Gun attacks Zayne and Lindaman before the bell rings. Douki repeatedly stomps on Lindaman’s chest. Lindaman tugs on Douki’s hair. Lindaman with a Hair Biel Throw. Kanemaru slams Zayne’s head on the ring apron. Lindaman is choking Douki with his boot. Douki rakes the eyes of Lindaman. Lindaman dropkicks Douki for a one count. Lindaman with a sledge. Lindaman with forearm shivers. Kanemaru trips Lindaman from the outside. Kanemaru drives Lindaman face first into the steel ring post. Kanemaru drops Lindaman with a DDT on the floor. Kanemaru stomps on the left knee of Lindaman. Kanemaru rolls Lindaman back into the ring. Douki tags in Kanemaru. Kanemaru repeatedly stomps on Lindaman’s chest. Following a snap mare takeover, Kanemaru applies a rear chin lock. Douki tags himself in. Douki kicks Lindaman in the gut. Douki with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Lindaman with forearm shivers. Douki drives his knee into the midsection of Lindaman. Douki with a Snap DDT for a two count. Kanemaru with a Running Dropkick from the outside. Douki tags in Kanemaru. Douki kicks Lindaman in the face. Lindaman with forearm shivers. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Lindaman. Kanemaru punches Lindaman in the back. Kanemaru sends Lindaman to the corner. Kanemaru with The Helluva Kick.

Kanemaru goes for The Touch Out, but Lindaman lands back on his feet. Lindaman has Kanemaru sitting on the middle rope. Lindaman drops Kanemaru with a Draping NeckBreaker. Lindaman tags in Zayne. Zayne unloads two knife edge chops. Kanemaru kicks Zayne in the gut. Zayne ducks a clothesline from Kanemaru. Zayne with a Falling Lariat. Zayne with a Roll Through Enzuigiri to Douki. Zayne with forearm shivers. Zayne follows that with a Discus Back Elbow Smash. Zayne thrust kicks the midsection of Kanemaru. Zayne with a SomerSault Leg Drop. Zayne with a running elbow smash. Zayne puts Kanemaru on the top turnbuckle. Zayne with a Leaping FrankenSteiner for a two count. Kanemaru denies The Baja Blasts. Zayne with a knife edge chop. Zayne goes for The Baja Blast, but Kanemaru lands back on his feet. Kanemaru with a low dropkick. Kanemaru tags in Douki. Douki with a corner clothesline. Zayne answers with The Pump Kick. Zayne tags in Lindaman. Lindaman with a running elbow smash. Lindaman sends Douki to the corner. Lindaman with a Corner Dropkick. Lindaman with a Judo Throw. Lindaman follows that with a Basement DDT for a two count.

Lindaman goes for a SitOut Judo Throw, but Douki lands back on his feet. Douki with a throat thrust. Lindaman goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Douki lands back on his feet. Douki with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Kanemaru with a Running Boot. Kanemaru knocks Zayne off the ring apron. Kanemaru with a running elbow smash. Kanemaru goes for The British Fall, but Lindaman counters with The BrainBuster. Lindaman drives his knee into the midsection of Douki. Lindaman rakes the eyes of Douki. Douki with a short-arm lariat. Lindaman blocks a lariat from Douki. Douki with three sharp elbow strikes. Lindaman blocks a boot from Douki. Zayne dropkicks Douki. SuperKick/Bridging German Suplex Combination for a two count. Douki applies The Italian Stretch No. 32. Zayne breaks up the submission hold. Kanemaru kicks Zayne in the gut. Kanemaru with a straight right hand. Zayne reverses out of the irish whip from Kanemaru. Kanemaru drops Zayne with The Satellite DDT. Lindaman rolls Douki over for a two count. Lindman with a back elbow smash. Lindaman with The Rolling Elbow. Douki ducks a clothesline from Lindaman. Douki hits The SitOut Gory Bomb for a two count. Douki connects with The Suplex de la Luna to pickup the victory.

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki via Pinfall 

Seventh Match: (12) Lio Rush & YOH vs. (12) Bushi & Titan In A NJPW Super Jr. Tag League 2022 Tournament Match 

Lio Rush and Bushi will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Rush backs Bushi into the ropes. Bushi turns Rush over. The referee calls for a clean break. Bushi taunts Rush. Toe Kick Exchange. Bushi drops down on the canvas. Drop Toe Hold/Basement Dropkick Combination. Titan with a Mid-Kick. The referee tells Titan to get out of the ring. Bushi hammers down on the back of Rush’s neck. Bushi tags in Titan. Titan kicks Rush in the gut. Titan with a Spinning Back Kick. Titan applies a wrist lock. Rush reverses out of the irish whip from Titan. Titan dives over Rush. Titan matrix under a clothesline from Rush. Rush avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Standing Switch Exchange. Titan sends Rush into the ropes. Rush ducks under two clotheslines from Titan. Rush thrust kicks the midsection of Titan. Rush with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Rush applies a wrist lock. Rush tags in Yoh. Double Wrist Lock. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown. Assisted Splash for a one count. Yoh stomps on Titan’s back. Titan with a forearm smash. Yoh kicks Titan in the gut. Yoh slams Titan’s head on a turnbuckle pad. Yoh sends Titan to the corner. Yoh with a running elbow smash. Titan with a GourdBuster. Titan SuperKicks Yoh. Bushi dropkicks Rush off the ring apron. Titan stomps on the left knee of Yoh. Following a snap mare takeover, Titan kicks Yoh in the back. Titan tags in Bushi.

Bushi stomps on the midsection of Yoh. Bushi slams Yoh’s head on a turnbuckle pad. Bushi with three chops in the corner. Bushi stomps on Yoh’s chest for a two count. Bushi applies The STF. Yoh grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Yoh with forearm shivers. Bushi rakes the eyes of Yoh. Bushi with a high elbow smash. Bushi tags in Titan. Bushi applies a wrist lock. Titan with a Flying Double Foot Stomp. Titan knocks Rush off the apron. Titan kicks the left hamstring of Yoh. Titan buries his knee into the midsection of Yoh. Double Irish Whip. Yoh side steps Bushi into a turnbuckle pad. Yoh dropkicks the left knee of Titan. Yoh dropkicks Bushi. Titan with a Spinning Back Flip. Yoh backflips over a clothesline from Titan. Yoh thrust kicks the midsection of Titan. Yoh with a NeckBreaker. Yoh tags in Rush. Rush with two clotheslines. Titan reverses out of the irish whip from Rush. Rush ducks a clothesline from Titan. Rush with a SpringBoard Hurricanrana. Rush kicks Titan in the gut. Rush with a forearm smash. Rush with a Corner Splash. Titan follows that with a Spinning Back Kick.

Bushi grabs Rush from behind. Rush kicks Titan in the face. Bushi continues to run interference. Rush with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Rush with a Roll Through Windmill Kick. Rush with The Quebrada. Rush rolls Titan back into the ring. Rush hooks the outside leg for a two count. Titan delivers his combination offense. Rush with a flying forearm smash. Titan SuperKicks Rush. Rush with a Standing Spanish Fly for a two count. Yoh knocks Bushi off the apron. Double Irish Whip. Chaos goes for The 3K, but Titan counters with a dropkick. Titan launches Yoh over the top rope. Yoh ducks a clothesline from Titan. Yoh pulls Titan down to the mat. Titan with an Overhead Kick. Titan lands The SomerSault Plancha. Titan rolls Rush back into the ring. Titan tags in Bushi. Titan with a knife edge chop. Double Irish Whip. Bushi with a running elbow smash. Titan with a corner clothesline. Dropkick/SpineBuster Combination for a two count. Titan with a diving corner clothesline. Bushi hits The CodeBreaker. Yoh denies The Angel Immortal. Yoh with a Jumping Knee Strike. Rush connects with The Come Up for a two count. Yoh SuperKicks Titan off the apron. Rush with The Suicide Dive. Bushi delivers The Rewind Kick. Yoh SuperKicks Bushi. Yoh with The Ushigoroshi. Rush plants Bushi with The Final Hour to pickup the victory.

Winner: Lio Rush & YOH via Pinfall 

Eight Match: (12) TJ Perkins & Francesco Akira w/Gideon Grey vs. (12) Ace Austin & Chris Bey In A NJPW Super Jr. Tag League 2022 Tournament Match 

Francesco Akira and Ace Austin will start things off. Austin signals for the test of strength. Akira blocks a boot from Austin. Austin with a forearm smash. Austin applies a side headlock. Akira whips Austin across the ring. Austin drops Akira with a shoulder tackle. Akira drops down on the canvas. Akira leapfrogs over Austin. Akira goes for a Hurricanrana, but Austin lands back on his feet. Akira dropkicks Austin to the floor. Austin regroups on the outside. Bey and Perkins are tagged in. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Perkins applies a side headlock. Bey sends Perkins to the corner. Perkins dives over Bey. Perkins slides under Bey’s legs. Bey ducks a clothesline from Perkins. Perkins goes for a leapfrog, but Bey counters with a double leg takedown. Perkins with a Headscissors Takedown. Arm-Drag/Headscissors Escape Exchange. Perkins with a low dropkick. Perkins tags in Akira. Double Irish Whip. Perkins with a Spinning Back Kick. Akira kicks Bey in the chest. Perkins kicks the left hamstring of Bey. Akira with a running basement dropkick for a one count. Akira hammers down on the back of Bey’s neck. Akira with a knife edge chop. Bey reverses out of the irish whip from Akira. Bey blocks a boot from Akira. Akira kicks Bey in the face. Akira thrust kicks the midsection of Bey. Bey goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Akira holds onto the ropes.

Austin kicks Akira in the chest. Bey with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Bey applies a rear chin lock. Bey stomps on Akira’s chest. Bey tags in Austin. Austin with a Cartwheel Back Rake. Austin stomps on Akira’s back. Austin slams Akira’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Austin with a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Austin whips Akira into the blue turnbuckle pad. Austin with a knife edge chop. Austin tags in Bey. Bey taunts Perkins. Bey rakes the back of Akira. Double Toe Kick to Perkins. Double Back Rake. Double Irish Whip. Austin with a Flying Head Kick. Perkins dodges The Leaping Back Elbow from Bey. Akira with a leaping corner clothesline. Perkins sends Austin to the ring apron. Austin with a forearm smash. Austin with a shoulder block to Perkins. Austin slips over Perkins back. Austin ducks a clothesline from Akira. Austin drives his knee into the midsection of Akira. Austin with another Flying Head Kick to Perkins. Austin with a knee lift. Austin follows that with a Spinning Heel Kick. Austin with a GutWrench Suplex. Red Shoes ignores Bey’s cocky cover. Bey tags in Austin. Too Sweet Back Scratches. Austin stomps on Akira’s back. Austin kicks Akira in the face. Austin is choking Akira with his knee. Forearm Exchange. Akira with a knife edge chop. Austin drives Akira back first into the blue turnbuckle pad. Austin tags in Bey.

Double Leg Sweep. Standing MoonSault/Leg Drop Combination for a two count. Bey tags in Austin. Double Irish Whip. Akira holds onto the ropes. Akira dumps Austin out of the ring. Akira launches Bey over the top rope. Bey buries his shoulder into the midsection of Akira. Bey slips over Akira’s back. Akira with a Leg Lariat. Austin wisely pulls Perkins off the apron. Bey kicks Akira in the back. Double Irish Whip. Akira kicks Austin in the face. Akira ducks a clothesline from Bey. Akira dropkicks Austin off Bey’s back. Akira tags in Perkins. Perkins dropkicks Bey off the apron. Perkins with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Austin reverses out of the irish whip from Perkins. Perkins with a SpringBoard Forearm Smash. Austin reverses out of the irish whip from Perkins. Perkins dives over Austin. Perkins drops Austin with The Tornado DDT. Perkins with clubbing boot scrapes. Perkins delivers The Face Wash. Austin blocks The Detonation Kick. Standing Switch Exchange. Flapjack/X-Factor Combination for a two count. Akira dumps Bey out of the ring. Double Irish Whip. Austin holds onto the ropes. Akira blocks a boot from Austin. Double Boot to Akira. Perkins slides out of the ring. Perkins decks Bey with a back elbow smash. Austin showcases his agility on the apron. Austin with The PK. Akira SuperKicks Austin. Akira lands The SomerSault Plancha. Perkins with The Mamba Splash. Final Cut/Flying Double Foot Stomp Combination for a two count.

Austin with heavy bodyshots. Perkins launches Austin over the top rope. Austin tags in Bey. Bey with a Superman Punch. Akira ducks a clothesline from Bey. Akira with The Half & Half Suplex. Akira dodges The SpringBoard Windmill Kick. Akira with another Half & Half Suplex. Austin answers with a Roundhouse Kick. Second Forearm Exchange. Perkins with a Spinning Back Kick. Bey kicks Perkins in the face. Double SuperKick to Bey. Perkins puts Bey on his shoulders. Austin with a Leaping FrankenSteiner to Akira. Austin kicks Perkins in the face. SpringBoard Windmill Kick/UFO Combination for a two count. Bey with a Knee Smash. Austin with a Twisting Slam. Bey SuperKicks Perkins. Austin follows that with The House Of Cards. Bey hooks the outside leg for a two count. Austin dumps Akira out of the ring. Perkins denies The 1,2, Sweet. Perkins hits The Cobra Twist Driver for a two count. Perkins tags in Akira. Bey side steps Akira into a turnbuckle pad. Akira with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Akira SuperKicks Bey. Akira with The Missile Dropkick. Akira connects with The Speed Fire for a two count. Perkins clotheslines Austin over the top rope. Bey avoids The 2/2. Double 1,2, Sweet. Austin nails Akira with The Fold. Austin lands The Soar To Glory. Bey plants Akira with The Fisherman’s Buster to pickup the victory. After the match, Rush and Yoh comes down to the ring to confront Austin and Bey to close the show.

Winner: Ace Austin & Chris Bey via Pinfall 

Updated Standings 

1.) Lio Rush & YOH (7-2)

2.) Ace Austin & Chris Bey (7-2)

3.) TJ Perkins & Francesco Akira (6-3)

4.) Alex Zayne & El Lindaman (6-3)

5.) Bushi & TITAN (6-3)

6.) Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki (4-5)

7.) Ryusuke Taguchi & Clark Connors (3-6)

8.) Kushida & Kevin Knight (2-7)

9.) Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask (2-7)

10.) SHO & Dick Togo (2-7)


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