
Nadeshot: ‘Call of Duty Wouldn’t Exist Without Consoles’


In recent Call of Duty news, the aim assist debate has surfaced once again. This is seeing players take to social circles the world over to debate the existence of aim assist and to complain about how ‘overpowered’ it is. This typically draws the professional players into the fray, given that they all use controllers to play their game – and win championships. Most recently, Matt ‘Nadeshot’ Haag took to Twitter to lend his two cents to the ongoing discourse.

He made a reference stressing that Call of Duty wouldn’t exist without controller-based platforms – consoles. Historically, Call of Duty may have started as a PC-exclusive game, but it quickly evolved and hit consoles within just a year or two. Since then, it has blossomed on PlayStation and Xbox platforms, and while PC gaming is becoming increasingly popular, the market is still dominated by controller players.

Can’t Go Without

nadeshot aim assist

In his recent post on Twitter, Nadeshot, the CEO of 100 Thieves and former COD pro player, said:

‘Call of Duty wouldn’t still exist today if it wasn’t for console. Most games people love and cherish today wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for consoles. Love or hate what controllers and aim assist have done to gaming, the worlds we play in would be VERY different without them.’

This was in response to a post mentioned that Call of Duty was ‘originally meant for PC, not console’. That might be true, and even the Call of Duty League is played out on PC, but the method of choice for playing Call of Duty is using a controller. Even die-hard PC players will opt to use a controller because of its aim assist-based benefits. At this point, it’s implausible that the COD esports scene will ever revert to using consoles unless there’s some paradigm-shifting miracle that takes place.

For years, the aim assist debate has raged, with keyboard and mouse-based players stressing that controller users have a staggering advantage over them. It’s true – there’s something bizarrely overpowered about aim assist in Call of Duty, and many people have performed experiments to test the depths of the feature. At its worst, aim assist seems to almost control every move you make, sticking your crosshair to your opponent like glue.

If you switch off aim assist, you’ll have the loosest, most inaccurate aim ever – until you get used to it.

The basis of the argument is that keyboard and mouse players have ‘their entire arm’ to aim with, while controller players only have their thumb. That’s one of the only defences to emerge from the controller camp, but it’s valid.

Where do you stand in this debate? While you’re mulling it over, check out the recent notes from the Season 03 Reloaded update.

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