
Mercedes wins the TBS title, Willow loses her friends



Mercedes Moné was obviously experiencing waves of emotion before her match against Willow Nightingale at Double or Nothing on May 26. It was the former Sasha Banks’ first match in more than a year after suffering an injury (in a match against Nightingale) that could have ended her career.

But just because her entrance built on talk of how Mercedes has changed the world didn’t mean she was looking past Willow. The TBS champion has impressed a lot of people over the past year, and made enough fans that there were dueling chants for both women at the start of the match.

The Babe With The Power used her power advantage to get control of this one early, but Moné took control by targeting Nightingale’s ankle — the same body part that Mercedes injured in their first match.

Willow responded with more power moves, and some ankle/lower leg attacks of her own.

Each wrestler amped up the viciousness. When Moné put the champ down with a meteora to the floor, Nightingale’s friend & partner Kris Statlander and their manager Stokey Hathaway got mixed up with Mercedes and got into an argument with referee Aubrey Edwards. While that was happening Willow hit a powerbomb and had Moné’s shoulders on the mat for a lot longer than a three count.

The C.E.O. recovered to apply a submission, but Willow made it to the ropes to break the hold. Mercedes again targeting Nightingale’s leg, then managed to get her up for the Moné Maker to win the belt.

While the new champ celebrated, Statlander consoled the former one. But after standing up to Hathaway for bad-mouthing Nightingale in the wake of her loss, Stat took out Willow on her own. After laying her out on the ramp, she tore of their friendship bracelet and threw it at her former friend.

Great night for Mercedes. Horrible night for Willow.

Get complete Double or Nothing results and coverage of the entire show here.

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