
Here’s who’s hosting Raw’s ‘Absolute Best of 2023′ episode on Christmas


WWE’s YouTube

We’ve known for a while that there wouldn’t be a new live episode of Raw on Dec. 25. Even when one of their usual television shows doesn’t fall on Christmas night as it does this year, WWE’s been in the habit of giving their crew some downtime around the winter holidays this year (they don’t get a full break, though… their Holiday Tour house shows are heavily promoted and include big stops in places like New York City and Los Angeles).

But while they taped tonight’s SmackDown last week and a couple weeks worth of NXTs earlier this month, there was no official word on Raw. Based on last year, we assumed it would again be a Best of Clip show. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like this is one of those times where an assumption will make an ass out of you and mption.

Wrestling Observer pointed out that cable listings have an “Absolute Best of 2023” on thier schedule for Monday night. I checked my local ones, and sure enough…


Celebrate Christmas with the RAW’s Absolute Best of 2023 hosted by Jackie Redmond & Peter Rosenberg.

We’ll see what makes the WWE’s “Absolute Best of 2023” list, but now we at least know who will be presenting that list to us.

Ready to spend Christmas night with Redmond, Rosenberg, and Rasslin?

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