
Future Starfield Update to Bring Land-Based Vehicles


In a recent update that discussed plans for Starfield, land-based vehicles were teased by Bethesda Game Studios. In September 2023, Starfield was released to an overwhelmingly positive response but quickly tapered off as the player count dwindled amid unmeaningful updates. Now, Bethesda has revealed what’s in store for the space-faring epic, and that includes long-awaited, much-anticipated land-based vehicles.

Starfield is all about exploration – there are hundreds of planets and moons to discover and vast biomes that take a long time to cross. Up until now, players have had to rely on their two feet to traverse the landscape – or a jetpack that’s finite by nature. However, Bethesda has revealed that in the future, advanced vehicles will be used to get across wide, open spaces with ease.

It Makes Sense

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Admittedly, users thought Starfield would have land-based vehicles when the game was released. It seemed like an oversight that Bethesda could create something so expansive and immense and not include a better way to explore what’s on offer. It was one of the game’s weak points and it disappointed fans worldwide – but Bethesda is preparing to right that wrong.

In the most recent update, it was said that various quality-of-life improvements are making their way into Starfield. This includes a better surface map mechanic, new gameplay options (including difficulty settings), more ship-building elements, and more intricate settings to alter the game’s graphics on console and PC.

The full array of changes and updates coming to Starfield is detailed in this video:

The most recent Starfield patch brought hundreds of bug fixes and improvements to the game. There’s still a core following that’s dedicated to the game, but it can’t be refuted that over time, Starfield is slipping further down the charts and into an abyss. There’s one thing that can save the game, and that’s fresh content. Recently, Bethesda’s Todd Howard confirmed that Shattered Space, the game’s first expansion, will land in the fall of 2024, which is still a long way off.

If you’re still playing Starfield, you’re likely tired of what’s on offer. The innovative ‘infinite replay’ feature that was written into the end of the game can quickly become stale, and many players gave up after one playthrough because they didn’t want to go through it all again. It certainly isn’t Bethesda’s biggest-ever success, despite being the company’s fastest-selling game of all time. It might be considered generally good, but it’s just not substantial enough to warrant the pre-launch hype it got.

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