
Dota 2 patch 7.36 adds Hero Facets and Innate Abilities into the game


The Dota 2 patch 7.36 is arguably the biggest update we had since patch 7.33, this time it’s Hero Facets and Innate Abilities.

Every hero gets a unique innate ability, which is a passive ability that offers an effect. Whereas hero facets come in options of two up to five for certain heroes, but you can only pick one at the start of the match. Much like how Aghanim’s Shard added a diverse playstyle during mid game, Hero Facets and Innate Abilities’ impact kick off as early as the beginning of the game, so expect some serious change in how we play Dota 2 onwards.

Dota 2 patch 7.36

Dota 2 patch 7.36 (Image Credits: Valve)

Top Hero Facets in Dota 2

Shadow Shaman

Amongst the hundreds of new hero facets, some are more unique than the other. One of our favorite is Shadow Shaman’s Cluster Cluck, which turns Hex into a defensive ally-target ability. It converts your target ally into a chicken alongside three other chicken illusions, potentially saving your ally from enemy pursuit.

Shadow Shaman's Hero Facet ability

Shadow Shaman’s Hero Facet ability (Image Credits: Valve)


Next is Clockwerk’s Expanded Armature, which affects Power Cogs. The power cogs now affect enemies inside the cog that got too close to it, sucking their mana as usual. Additionally, Clockwerk can now attack the cog to send it flying in a direction and sucking mana out of its hit target.

Faceless Void

Arguably the most viral facet skill on the Dota 2 Reddit currently is dubbed the ‘square chronosphere’ or Time Zone. The skill not only replaces the default round Chronosphere but also removes the complete time stop effect. Instead, Time Zone causes a slowed effect on opponents in the area, affecting movement, attack speed, projectiles, and turn rate.

This can come in handy for Faceless Void players, who are concerned about trapping their ally in the default Chronosphere.

Faceless Void's Hero Facet ability

Faceless Void’s Hero Facet ability (Image Credits: Valve)

Legion Commander

While most of the Hero Facets we featured previously are fun, Legion Commander’s Spoils of War facet ability is actually quite powerful. It grants permanent 4/8/12 bonus damage to any unit that damaged the loser of the duel. Of course, this means it is also a double-edged sword as losing a duel yourself will grand bonus damage to your opponents.


Lifestealer’s Corpse Eater lets him permanently gain +2 max health per creep killed. While permanent HP gain may sound impressive, it’s not a lot in most games, where an average CS for a hard carry is 200 by 20 minutes. Of course, if you are going to be an AFK farming Lifestealer that jungles for 40 minutes, this hero facet might actually be worth picking up.


Meat Hook becomes the Flayer’s Hook, which allows the player to control the direction of the hook as it turns and sways. Once a unit is hit, the target is hooked back to Pudge as usual but at a lower damage than its former skill.


The Silencer cannot be silenced is what the hero facet, Irrepressible, does.


Techies has three options for Hero Facets, but the Spoon’s Stash is definitely worth selecting. It lets Techies use items that are in the backpack as if they were in the inventory. This grants Techies have 9 active inventory slots.

Top Innate Abilities in Dota 2 Patch 7.36

Innate Abilities in Dota 2 patch 7.36

Innate Abilities in Dota 2 patch 7.36 (Image Credits: Valve)

Gyrocopter’s Chop Shop

As a mercenary himself, who is an expert in tweaking cogs and machines, Gyrocopter can disassemble most items and even sell any recipe at full retail price.

Muerta’s Supernatural

Muerta’s attacks are not limited by ethereal targets, letting her attack any hero in any form. Note that the attacks are dealt in magic damage.

Nyx Assassin’s Nyxth Sense

The master of invisibility can sense invisible heroes in the vicinity of 400 radius as its passive innate ability. Note that this only senses invisible heroes, so wards will still require a gem or sentry ward to detect.

Shadow Shaman’s Fowl Play

Think of Aeon Disc that triggers at 1 health. When Shadow Shaman takes lethal damage, he survives as a 1HP chicken with three other chicken illusions. The effect lasts 3 seconds, and could be the saving grace in most encounters, unless there’s AOE damage or cleave damage heroes.

Undying’s Ceaseless Dirge

With a hefty 480-second cooldown, this innate ability makes Undying respawn in fountain instantly upon death when it’s cooldown is over. The ability begins on cooldown at the start of the game, so you can only use it after the 8-minute mark.

The Hero Facets and Innate Abilities add a new layer of creativity and versatility to every Dota 2 hero. With so many to check, perhaps we recommend checking out Dota 2 YouTube channel, Purge’s 72-hour patch review when it releases for a detailed and insightful overview of patch 7.36.

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