
Bobby Fish to wrestle former world champ in MLW return



Bobby Fish is set to return to MLW at Intimidation Games on February 29 in New York City.

Fish’s opponent was revealed to be a former world champion. He will compete against Alex Kane. The Suplex Assassin recently lost the MLW World Heavyweight Championship to Satoshi Kojima. This badass matchmaking will mark a tough test on both sides to climb up the ladder.


The MLW press release explains:

Major League Wrestling (“MLW”) today announced Alex Kane (cornered by Mr. Thomas) vs. Bobby Fish at MLW Intimidation Games’24 live and exclusively on Triller TV+ Thursday, February 29 at the Melrose Ballroom in New York City.

Bobby Fish vs. Alex Kane set to ignite MLW Intimidation Games live and exclusively on Triller TV+! Sign up for your Triller TV+ subscription now and enjoy a FREE 7-day trial!

New York City will host the first-ever encounter, which pits kickboxer Bobby Fish against world-class grappler Alex Kane, setting the stage for a battle of contrasting styles.

Will Kane’s renowned suplex system prove too much for Fish to handle, as he aims to execute his signature “Fade 2 Black” chokehold? Or will Fish’s blistering striking prowess be the key to unlocking victory, as he looks to unleash his hard-hitting strikes to neutralize Kane’s explosive power?

For Kane, this match holds particular significance, marking his first fight since his bout for the MLW World Heavyweight Championship at SuperFight 4. With the pressure on the now-ex champion to secure a decisive victory and make a bold statement, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Meanwhile, Fish enters the ring as a decorated fighter with championships from across the globe under his belt. His return to an MLW ring for the first time since the fall of 2021 signifies a powerful comeback, and a win here would not only send a resounding message to MLW’s front office but also catapult Fish into the upper echelons of MLW’s top 10 rankings.

“This match has all the makings of a classic MLW showdown,” said MLW CEO Court Bauer. “MLW is the ultimate stage for fighters to showcase their styles. Will it be kickboxing or grappling that prevails? I can’t wait to find out.”

The current lineup for MLW Intimidation Games includes:

  • MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
  • MLW World Middleweight Championship: Rocky Romero (c) (with Salina de la Renta) vs. Mistico (with Cesar Duran)
  • Alex Kane vs. Bobby Fish

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