
Best TFT Builds – Dominate Your Games


Building the correct items in Teamfight Tactics can be a bit challenging, especially for a newer player. With hundred different options to choose from, what are the best TFT builds?

We help you choose the best items for your next Teamfight Tactics game. Here’s some of the best meta items and which units they should be used on.

TeamFight Tactics

Credit: Rito

What are the best TFT Builds?

In the current meta, there are multiple strong team compositions and best builds for TFT. We have compiled a list of the optimal items used in the strongest TFT team compositions on Set 11. Optimize your builds with these items and climb the ranks easily.

Here we list some of the items that goes well with every TFT build.

  • Hand of Justice

Hand of Justice is a powerful item in Teamfight Tactics and has been consistently used across multiple sets. It is a good item because it gives you buffs to multiple effects. Those are 15% Attack Damage, 15% Ability Power, and 15% Omnivamp. HoJ will double one of these effects each round, making this item an excellent pick for many of your carries.

  • BloodThirster

The BloodThirster is a solid item for carries who need a little bit of lifesteal. BT provides 20% Omnivamp, and once per combat at 40% health, it gains a 25% max health shield that lasts a short duration. Multiple carries can use this item as they are often expected to be one of the last units standing at the end of the round, so having BT will help them outlast their opponent.

Best TFT Builds

Image Credit: Riot Games

  • Blue Buff

Blue Buff is a straightforward item; it provides consistent mana over time. When equipped, the unit’s max mana is reduced by ten. Also, if the holder gets a takedown, they deal 8% more damage for 8 seconds. Across time in TFT, Blue Buff is often used on mages who need to use a lot of abilities to do damage. In this set, Kindred and Teemo greatly benefit from Blue Buff.

  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Like Blue Buff, Guinsoo’s Rageblade is a very simple item and is used by many carries in Teamfight Tactics. Rageblade offers 5% stacking Attack Speed per attack.

The cool thing about this item in TFT compared to regular LoL is that Rageblade infinitely stacks, which is great for carries who benefit from quick attacks and use their ability more often. Guinsoo’s can be used on various champions, not limited to one class.

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap is really the final piece of the puzzle. On its own, the item isn’t great and must be paired with, say, a Blue Buff to really take advantage of the extra 20% bonus damage it provides. Deathcap is usually built by casters, whose strength comes from its ability power.

  • Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge is the ultimate item for hyper-carries and ADCs who benefit from consistent auto attacks. It gives the item holder a 35% critical chance, and if the holder’s abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% crit damage instead.

You will often see champions like Xayah, Kai’Sa, and Sivir holding the Infinity Edge item.

Best Items for your tft builds

Image Credit: Riot Games

  • Spear of Shojin

Spear of Shojin is an excellent item for champions with a lot of attack speed. Shojin is like Blue Buff but depends on champion auto attacks to be effective. Spear of Shojin grants five mana per auto attack. Ideally, you would want to build Spear of Shojin on champions who often need to use their abilities.

Azir, for example, is a very strong unit when he has his items. His Blight ability can slice through units like butter, so being able to constantly use this ability because of Shojin will greatly increase your chances of winning the lobby.

  • Warmogs Armor

Warmogs is solid tank item, even if it’s not the primary choice for every champion. They are used to beef up a tank with two items or to keep units alive so the carriers can do their magic.

Warmogs Armor provides + 8% max health to the item holder.

  • Jeweled Gauntlet

Since its introduction to Teamfight Tactics, the Jeweled Gauntlet has been a staple item in almost every composition. JG allows abilities to strike critically, and if the unit’s ability can already crit strike, then the holder gains a 10% critical strike damage instead.

This gives mages and Ability Power champions a different type of strength, as only increasing their Ability Power would not work as well as using Jeweled Gauntlet in the mix.

Experiment with different compositions and find the playstyle that best suits you. By playing around these items you will significantly increase your chances to win.

Keep in mind that the most optimal items will also depend on the state of your game and your comp.

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