
WWE NXT Results 6/21/2022


– Tonight’s WWE NXT 2.0 episode opens up on the USA Network with a graphic in memory of referee Tim White, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 68. We see NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams arriving earlier today. We also see Tony D’Angelo, Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro arriving earlier this afternoon. We’re now live on a tape delay from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Wade Barrett.

Solo Sikoa vs. Grayson Waller

We go right to the ring and out comes Solo Sikoa to a pop. Grayson Waller is out next. He talks trash to start, insulting Solo and the fans, calling them losers. Fans chant for Solo. Waller is tired of censoring himself, so it’s time he tells everyone what he really thinks of Solo. Solo rushes out and attacks Waller on the entrance-way before he can speak again.

Fans cheer for Solo as he beats Waller around the ringside area, hitting him with the announce table a few times. Solo brings it into the ring and Waller pleads from his knees. The bell rings and here we go. Fans do dueling chants for Solo as he unloads on Waller. Solo with a big slam and splash in the middle of the ring for a 2 count.

Solo keeps control for a few more minutes. Waller turns it around in the corner but Solo quickly takes back control. Solo with a back suplex in the middle of the ring. Solo runs into a back elbow in the corner. Solo scoops Waller to his shoulders but Waller slides out to avoid the Samoan Drop. The turnbuckle was exposed here, but not used.

Solo still drops him in the middle of the ring. Solo with a big chop now. Solo keeps control and counters Waller, then levels him with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Solo keeps cutting Waller off and beating him around. Solo takes it to the corner with shoulder thrusts now. Solo charges but runs into a big boot. Waller charges but Solo drops him with a forearm. Fans chant for Solo again as he kicks Waller in the back and continues to dominate the match. Waller kicks Solo and stomps on his feet a few times. Waller with a Rock Bottom to boos from the crowd.

Waller sends Solo to the floor. Fans chant “asshole!” now. Waller runs the ring and slides out, then runs at Solo with a clothesline attempt but it’s blocked. Solo drops Waller on the entrance-way and stands tall as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with the fight continuing around the ringside area.

Back from the break and Waller has dominated Solo in the middle of the ring for a few minutes now. Waller grounds Solo with a knee to the back. Waller keeps control and grounds Solo again as we return from the commercial break. Waller fights out, slamming Waller to the turnbuckles, then to the mat. They go at it now and Waller nails an axe kick for a 2 count, then another quick 2 count out of frustration. Fans rally for Solo some more as Waller beats him around the ring.

Waller drops Solo with a DDT for a 2 count. Waller keeps control and taunts Solo now as fans boo him. Solo looks to come off the top rope but he wastes time, allowing Solo to slap him to the floor. Solo follows and runs over Waller again. Fans chant “Solo!” as he brings it back into the ring and mounts more offense on Waller. Solo with the big Rikishi splash in the corner. Waller counters and drops Solo over the top rope. Waller rushes back in but Solo catches him with a Samoan Drop for a big pop.

Solo goes to the top but Waller rolls to the apron as fans boo. Waller with a big superkick, then Solo gets sent into the exposed turnbuckle. Waller goes out and runs back in, hitting Solo with the big Cutter for the pin to win.

Winner: Grayson Waller

– After the match, Waller stands tall as fans boo and we go to replays. Waller talks more trash on his way to the back.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro. Tony D says this is a big night for his crew. Legado del Fantasma has a chance to get on his good side if they beat The Diamond Mine, and tonight he gets his first taste of gold. Tony mentions growing pains in any family, and says Elektra Lopez is off doing what they told her to do, and tonight Santos will do what he is supposed to do. They shake hands and Tony says if he doesn’t leave with the NXT North American Title tonight, there will be hell to pay. Santos says don’t worry about it, boss, we’ve got this. Tony walks off with Two Dimes and Stacks.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs. Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon

We go back to the ring and out comes Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. They pose in the middle of the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a vignette for JD McDonagh, the former Jordan Devlin. He is riding his car through the countryside. JD says the winds of change in NXT 2.0 are blowing, and if he leaves his penthouse overlooking his city, Dublin City, then you know it’s for a damn good reason. JD says everyone in NXT 2.0 will find out soon, that you never bet against an Ace. We go back to the ring and Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon are facing off with Chance and Carter. Leon dances but Carter quickly dropkicks her into the ropes.

Carter takes control for a few minutes. Leon turns it around and in comes Feroz for double team moves in the corner. Leon tags back in for another double team, rolling Carter up for 2 off a big sunset flip. Carter smacks Leon in the face and talks some trash. Leon smacks her back. Carter chops her in the chest and tags in Chance for quick double team offense. Chance covers for 2. Leon rolls Chance for 2 now.

Leon rolls Chance into a leg hook but Chance gets the bottom rope to break the submission. Carter tags in and Leon doesn’t see it, allowing Carter to smash her face-first into the mat. Carter with more quick offense on Leon now. Carter with a running splash in the corner, then a dropkick as Chance holds her there off the tag. Chance covers for 2. Chance with more quick offense on Leon but she kicks out at 2.

Carter tags back in and grounds Leon with a headlock. Leon fights up and out and reaches for Feroz. Leon with an enziguri. Feroz tags in and unloads on both opponents, taking them down and sending them flying. Feroz with a rolling kick to Chance for a 2 count. Leon and Feroz catch Chance in a big 3D but Carter breaks up the pin just in time.

Leon and Feroz hit a double suplex into a neckbreaker on Chance now. Feroz runs into a kick. Carter then tags in for the double team but Leon breaks the pin up just in time. More back and forth now. Carter superkicks Feroz after they go at it. Chance goes to the top and hits the big 450 Splash as Carter holds her for the pin to win.

Winners: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

– After the match, Chance and Carter stand tall as the music hits. We go to replays. The winners dance now to end the segment.

– We see Wes Lee walking backstage. He will address the NXT Universe. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Wes Lee is out with a mic. Lee thanks everyone and says it’s still a blessing to receive this love from the fans. Fans chant “you deserve it!” now.

Lee thanks them again and says this right now is very much needed, especially after the rough three months he’s had. He’s gone from the highest of highs to quite possibly the lowest of lows. He went from being our two-time NXT Tag Team Champion, reigning supreme with his best friend and his brother, just to have their world explode right from under their feet. Lee gets emotional and says he wears his tears proudly. While his world crumbled at his feet and he is sifting through trying to find himself, all he finds is pain and anger, and it consumed him to the point where he was not himself. He apologizes. From Xyon Quinn to Sanga, he was just trying to prove himself, trying to show that Wes Lee can stand on his own two feet and do what he needs to do.

The music interrupts and out comes Trick Williams. Fans boo and Trick tells everyone to shut up. Trick says no one cares about Lee’s highs or lows, or his brother, and the truth is Lee left his brother behind, and maybe Lee isn’t the brother he pretends to be, and maybe his boy is gone because Lee left him behind. Lee says Trick has no idea how he was there for that man and how they had to rise together to get to the top, and Lee understands Trick will never understand that because he will always remain second fiddle to his man, NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes. Lee wonders if Trick has any hype left for himself and standing here now he wants to find out.

Trick says he’s Trick Willy and time is money, and when he’s ready, he will let Lee know, or better yet, he will do how all of Lee’s old friends did him – just leave. Trick hops back down off the apron and backs away to the entrance-way as Lee stares him down. They made several references to Nash Carter here but did not name him.

– We go to a pre-recorded video with Tiffany Stratton. She says Wendy Choo is tragic, she sucks at life, and when you see her you kind of feel bad, but not for Choo, only for the people that have to be around her. Stratton compares how she dresses to how “frumpy” Choo dresses. Stratton says Choo has never won anything or even been in a gym. Stratton says it’s obvious Choo is jealous of her, and she can’t blame her, but she can blame her for costing her a mach and ruining her gear. Stratton tells Choo to stay away from her or she will have no problem putting her to sleep for good. Stratton walks off.

Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp vs. Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde

We go back to the ring and out first comes The Diamond Mine’s Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp. They pose in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde with Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo right behind them. The bell rings and Wilde starts off with Strong. They lock up and Strong slams Wilde, then grounds him by his arm. Cruz tags in and they nail some offense on Strong to turn it around.

Cruz with a big moonsault. Kemp tags in and takes over on Cruz. They tangle on the mat and have a stalemate. Strong yells at Kemp for not getting the upperhand. Strong slaps Kemp and the crowd is shocked. Kemp turns back around and he’s fired up now. Kemp unloads on Cruz, then launches Wilde onto Cruz as he runs in. Kemp mounts Cruz with right hands now. Kemp drags Cruz to the corner and in comes Strong t take over.

Strong drops Cruz in the corner. Strong ignores Kemp’s tag and in comes Wilde to unload on Strong. Kemp runs in and Wilde hits him with a jawbreaker. Wilde and Cruz keep control until Strong hits a big backbreaker on Wilde, then Kemp follows up with a lariat. Kemp grounds Wilde again, then mounts him with punches.

Stacks and Two Dimes aren’t impressed as they look on from ringside. Wilde and Kemp both go down at the same time. Strong and Cruz tag in and they go at it. Cruz unloads and goes to the top for a big missile dropkick for a 2 count. Strong blocks a suplex from Cruz, then hits him with an elbow to the face. Strong slams Cruz on his head for a 2 count as Wilde breaks it up. Kemp also comes in but he gets sent out. Wilde leaps out onto Kemp. Cruz and Strong brawl now, taking turns on each other with stiff strikes.

Dimes turns his back to the ring while holding up a crowbar, which trips Cruz in a bit of miscommunication. Cruz yells at Dimes, which allows Strong to capitalize and drop Cruz on his head for the pin to win.

Winners: The Diamond Mine

– After the match, Strong and Kemp stand tall in the middle of the ring as the music hits and we go to replays. We come back to Dimes, Stacks, Cruz and Wilde arguing at ringside.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Giovanni Vinci, asking about last week’s debut. Vinci says the most supreme athlete in all of NXT has arrived, and last week a statement was made, a message was sent, but sent in style. He knows NXT Champion Bron Breakker, NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes, The Diamond Mine, and the whole locker room was watching, and everybody now knows that a top tier talent just walked in the door, and did it in style. Ikemen Jiro comes in laughing. He sees Vinci has style, but he wonders if Vinci has Strong Style… Jiro says he guesses we will find out. Jiro walks off as Vinci speaks some in Italian.

– We see Toxic Attraction walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get another pre-recorded vignette on Apollo Crews, who is taking notes on his thoughts in a diary. He wonders if he has what it takes. Crews says fear lives inside everyone but you can’t run from it, you have to confront it. Crews is fearless. He sees someone getting mugged down an alley as he walks down a city street. A bystander warns him to not go down there because it’s dangerous. Crews approaches the attack anyway and tells the man to stop beating up the victim. The attacker tells Crews to mind his business. Crews beats the guy up, and helps the victim up, then helps him up. We see that this was just Crews imagining what would happen as we come back from his daydream. He’s back in front of the bystander, who warned him to not go down the alley. Crews walks down the alley anyway, apparently to save the guy getting beat up like he previously imagined.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Toxic Attraction – NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose and NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. Fans chant for Gigi as they take the mic. Rose announces that Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade and Indi Hartwell may have had a fluke win last week, but they are still losers.

Rose says Perez is walking around on a high-horse lately, and it’s embarrassing. Rose goes on insulting Perez. Dolin says this isn’t playtime, this isn’t a video game and their fairy tales, and Perez damn sure isn’t Cinderella but she is about to get a reality check and it’s going to be toxic. Jayne tells Perez to ask her friend Jade about folding under pressure. Jayne tells Perez to buy another one of those bus tickets, go back home and put up posters of real Superstars like Toxic Attraction on her walls. Rose says her dreams will become nightmares if Perez stays around, and it will get really ugly. The music interrupts and out comes Perez and Jade.

Rose tells Perez she hasn’t earned a title shot by getting a few wins. Rose yells at the fans and warns Perez that she does not want to cash in her Breakout contract. Perez says Rose is right – she is feeling on top of the world, but she also knows she’s earned every single bit of living her dreams, and the thing about dreams is that they are even better when you get to share them. Perez says she and Jade were talking, and as much as it would mean to become NXT Women’s Champion, and one day she will, winning the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles with her best friend would be that much sweeter.

The music interrupts and out comes Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. They say the line starts behind them and they are not done yet. Jade mocks them for their loss at In Your House. The two teams have words at the entrance-way before they start brawling now. Toxic Attraction watches from the ring, laughing as officials come out to break the fight up.

– McKenzie is backstage with Trick Williams and NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes. They talk about Trick handling business earlier tonight, and then passing the ball to Hayes so he can do the same tonight. Hayes says business is getting handled because everyone wants next, but the only next they will be is next to take a loss to The A Champion… because that’s all it is, and that’s all it’s gonna be. They walk off.

Cameron Grimes vs. Edris Enofe

We go back to the ring and out comes Cameron Grimes. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Kiana James interrupts a backstage interview with Indi Hartwell. James has been crunching some numbers and says Indi gives the NXT women’s division a bad name as she is weak-minded and lacks what it takes to be successful on her own, which is why she jumps from friend to friend. Indi says Kiana is new here and quite opinionated, but no one cares about her opinion. Indi threatens to punch Kiana in the face, but challenges her to come to the ring next week so she can make her eat her words. Kiana says Indi will experience another failure next week. Indi says Kiana sounds smart but this is NXT 2.0 and no one likes a bitch. Indi walks off. We go back to the ring and Edris Enofe is wrapping up his entrance as Grimes looks on. Malik Blade accompanied him to the ring. Grimes takes Enofe down to start the match. They tangle back to their feet as Enofe focuses on the arm.

Grimes turns it around and takes Enofe down into a submission. Back and forth with more counters and pin attempts. They have a stalemate now as fans applaud. Grimes drops Enofe and they run the ropes again. Enofe with a dropkick for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Grimes sends Enofe out with a scissors, then kicks him from the apron. Grimes brings it back in and flies off the top with a big crossbody. Enofe kicks out at 2 as Grimes shows a bit of frustration.

Fans do dueling chants now. Grimes with big kicks to the chest while Enofe is on his knees. Enofe gets fired up and tells Grimes to keep bringing it. Grimes keeps kicking and Enofe takes them. Grimes with a running kick to rock Enofe now. Enofe gets to his feet and they trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Enofe rocks Grimes and drops him with a jumping knee but they’re both down now.

Blade rallies for Enofe from ringside as fans chant “NXT!” now. Enofe dumps Grimes to the apron and nails a thrust to the gut. Enofe with a running flying uppercut to stun Grimes on the apron. Enofe knocks Grimes to the floor with a running knee. Enofe runs the ring and leaps over the top rope, taking Grimes back down on the floor as fans cheer him on.

Fans chant “this is awesome!” as Enofe goes to the top after bringing it back in. He has to roll through as Grimes moves. Grimes with a big tilt-a-whirl side-slam. Grimes waits in the corner and is ready to go to the moon now. Grimes charges and hits the Cave-In for the pin to win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes

– After the match, Grimes stands tall and stares at the camera as the music hits and we go to replays. Grimes meets Enofe and Blade in the middle of the ring now. Grimes yells some words of encouragement to Enofe, and then they embrace. Grimes also shakes hands with Blade before exiting the ring.

– We see Thea Hail arriving to the Peter’s Hall dorm at Andre Chase University. She enters her dorm room and sees Bodhi Hayward with no hat on. He quickly puts the hat on and Hail introduces herself as Bodhi’s new roommate. Bodhi says Hail can’t stay there because she’s a girl, but Hail says there are co-ed dorms at Chase U, isn’t that so cool? Hail starts unpacking and it’s a lot for Bodhi to handle. He asks how they share the room under these co-ed rules. Hail is so excited and says they will share the room at all times and be best friends. She bets Andre Chase will be so happy for them. Hail is looking forward to classes starting next week. She asks Bodhi if he’s hungry and he is. She leads the way to go get some food but she might be too much for Bodhi to keep up with, but he says this will be so sick.

– We see Von Wagner backstage with Mr. Stone and Sofia Cromwell. We also see Brooks Jensen with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a pre-recorded video of the injured Nikkita Lyons working out. She says patience is not a virtue, patience sucks. She’s a woman that needs to be constantly moving, always working, because when she wants something she goes and gets it. Lyons says that’s why she’s busting her ass in the gym because once she’s cleared from her knee injury, there will be no warm-up match or easing her way back in, she’s going balls to the wall. Lyons gives a 7 day notice to the NXT women’s division and says next week she will be back.

Von Wagner vs. Brooks Jensen

We go back to the ring and out comes Von Wagner. Brooks Jensen is out next for his return match from injury. Mr. Stone, Sofia Cromwell, Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley are all banned from ringside for this match.

The bell rings and Von rams Jensen back into the corner but Jensen fights out with right hands. Von counters and unloads in the opposite corner. Von with big clotheslines in the corner as the referee counts. Jensen fights back with right hands, then nails a spinning heel kick for a pop.

Jensen with a big right hand while Von is against the ropes. Von grabs Jensen’s hurt arm and slams it over the top rope. Von goes to work on Jensen now, controlling him by his arm. Jensen runs the ropes but Von levels him with a big boot. Von goes back to work on the previously injured arm of Jensen. Von stands on his hand now. Von keeps control and uses the turnbuckle steel to inflict further damage on the hand as fans boo.

Von slams Jensen’s hurt arm on the edge of the apron over and over. Fans rally for Jensen as he fights back. Von rocks him and drops him by his arm with a DDT. Von covers for 2. Von grounds Jensen by his arm now. Jensen fights back but Von continues working on the arm in the corner. Jensen mounts some offense now. Jensen with big right hands in the corner, then a big right hand to drop Von. They trade strikes on their feet now.

Jensen with a springboard DDT from the corner for a close 2 count. Jensen goes to the top and flies at Von but barely connects and Von scoops him on his shoulder, then drops him on his head for the pin to win.

Winner: Von Wagner

– After the match, Von stands tall and flashes a rare smile as the music hits. We go to replays. Briggs and Henley help Jensen to his feet in the ring now as Cromwell and Stone back up the entrance-way with Von.

– NXT Champion Bron Breakker approaches Cameron Grimes backstage. Bron says the Grimes we saw out there tonight is the one he wants to face at Great American Bash. Grimes says he doesn’t think Bron does because if that Grimes shows up at Great American Bash, we’re looking at the new NXT Champion. Grimes walks off.

Alba Fyre vs. Lash Legend

We go back to the ring and out comes Alba Fyre with her baseball bat on fire. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a vignette with Joe Gacy and The Dyad. Gacy says they have offered themselves, surrendered themselves to him, leaving what they once knew behind – their home, their family, all aspects of their lives were laid to rest in a realm where everything was measured by fame and championships, when they discovered it was all just a pipe dream, they found themselves questioning their own abilities. Gacy says they were planning on packing up and going home but he was there for them, he was the one that showed them the light that is inside of them. Gacy says they are re-born, ready to take on the world, and they no longer look at themselves the same. Gacy says they may have tasted gold before, but without intention, gold is flavorless. Gacy says when they return to that same glory, the fruit of their labor will be delicious because it will be cultivated by unmatched strength now that the two of them have come together under Gacy’s guidance. Gacy stares ahead and smiles. The video includes highlights of last week’s debut win over Dante Chen and Javier Bernal. We go back to the ring and out comes Lash Legend as we briefly see what led to this match. The bell rings and Lash talks trash but Fyre unloads with strikes.

Lash tosses her away but Fyre comes right back and sends her face-first into the turnbuckle. Fyre with a missile dropkick for a quick pin attempt. Fans chant for Fyre as she unloads on Lash with chops. Lash blocks an Irish whip and ends up kicking Fyre to the mat. Lash stomps on Fyre and taunts her while keeping her down.

Lash uses the middle rope to choke Fyre as the referee warns her. She then uses the bottom rope. Fans rally for Fyre as Lash covers for 2. Lash blocks the Gory Bomb. Lash with a big double underhook suplex, then a kip-up in the middle of the ring. Fyre fights out of the corner, unloading with more strikes now.

Lash rocks her to interrupt the offense. Fyre with a superkick and a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. Fyre with kicks while Legend is on her knees now. Fyre charges but Legend catches her in a big side-slam for a close 2 count. Legend shows some frustration now. Legend runs into a kick from the corner.

Lash misses a big boot and gets hung up on the turnbuckle. Fyre with the Gory Bomb. Fyre goes to the top but she has to roll through as Legend moved and rolled to the corner. Fyre charges but Legend picks up Fyre’s baseball bat and hits her with it for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Alba Fyre

– After the bell, Legend stands tall over Fyre with the bat as officials try to back her off. We go to replays. Legend heads to the back, stopping to stare back at Fyre in the ring.

– We see Tony D’Angelo and The Family walking backstage. Back to commercial.

NXT North American Title Match: Tony D’Angelo vs. Carmelo Hayes

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes Tony D’Angelo with Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro. Out next comes NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes with Trick Williams. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.

The bell rings Tony talks some trash to Hayes. Hayes barks back and now they lock up. Tony shoves Hayes away and taunts him. They lock up again and Tony shoves Hayes back as Santos looks on. Tony ends up dropping Hayes again. They run the ropes and trade counters, then show each other up in a stalemate. Hayes and Tony show off again. Trick jumps up on the apron, but so does The Family.

Hayes takes advantage of a distraction, then rocks Tony in the face. Hayes with more punches. Tony blocks a punch and drops him with a shot to the gut. Tony lifts Hayes high in the air and drops him to the mat. More back and forth now. Hayes drops Tony with a clothesline. Hayes sweeps Tony and goes to the floor to have words with members of The Family. Trick also runs over. Tony comes out and ends up turning it around, launching Hayes into the steel ring steps. Hayes lands hard as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Hayes flies at Tony to take him down. Hayes mounts Tony with lefts and rights for a pop. Fans do dueling chants now. Hayes counters a move and drops Tony with a Bulldog for a close 2 count. Tony D mounts offense and slams Hayes for a 2 count now. Tony holds Hayes and yells in his face about who’s the real champ and The Don. Tony with big right hands to knock Hayes down in the corner.

Tony with a big slap to send Hayes back to the mat. Trick offers some encouragement to Hayes. Tony charges but Hayes side-steps and sends him into the turnbuckle face-first. They tangle and Hayes drops Tony with a Codebreaker for a close 2 count. Hayes goes to the middle rope but before he can fly, Tony crawls out of his reach. Hayes pulls Tony back but Tony kicks him, then takes him down, rolls through and slams him in a unique sequence. Fans chant “NXT!” now as both Superstars are struggling to recover.

Santos pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and Tony wants them. Santos slides them but they go past Tony. Tony gets up and yells at Santos. Hayes is shocked now but he grabs the brass knuckles. While the referee is distracted by The Family, Hayes takes advantage and rocks Tony with the brass knuckles to lay him out. Hayes covers for the pin to retain.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

– After the match, Hayes stands tall with the title as his music hits. Santos stares Tony D down. We go to replays. Hayes and Trick head to the back now. Escobar, Wilde and Cruz back up the ramp while Tony D, Two Dimes and Stacks seethe in the ring, yelling at Legado del Fantasma to come back into the ring for a fight. NXT 2.0 goes off the air.

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