
Triple H comments on Dragon Lee signing with WWE



Last night’s breaking news of AAA Tag Team Champion Dragon Lee signing with WWE has the internet buzzing today. More on that in a bit, but first here is Triple H’s comment on the signing:

Dragon Lee’s brother RUSH happens to work for All Elite Wrestling. He congratulated his brother on his big news:

And for those of you who like hard nipples, here’s AAA head honcho Dorian Roldan chiming in with a photo:

One of the fascinating things about this story is how it all went down at AAA Night of Champions. AAA wrestler Dragon Lee defeated AEW wrestlers FTR for tag team gold and then immediately grabbed a microphone to announce that he’s heading to WWE. If the surreal nature of those words hasn’t quite sunk in, then try to consider an alternate scenario where a AAA wrestler defeats a WWE wrestler for a title and then announces that he’s signing with AEW. It’s hard to imagine that WWE would be cool with that booking decision. Did AEW President Tony Khan know what was going on here?

Another obvious question to consider is why would AAA go ahead and put their tag team championship on a wrestler who is immediately leaving to go work for WWE? One popular speculative theory involves AAA seeking a stronger relationship with WWE going forward, which could perhaps have an adverse effect on their current relationship with AEW.

Now that you’ve had some time to digest this surprising news, let us now in the comments below what you make of the situation, Cagesiders.

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