
Sonya Deville Discusses Coming Out On Live Television, Being Proud Of Her Sexuality


WWE star Sonya Deville was recently interviewed on the Better Together with Maria Menounos to talk all things pro-wrestling, including Deville coming out as gay on live television. Highlights can be found below.

On coming out on live television:

That was the craziest thing ever. It was such a weird time in my life. I’m 21 years old the time, I’m on a reality television show that’s being broadcast live internationally, and the first question I’m asked in the interview portion of the show is, ‘Are you in a relationship?’ That’s such an easy question. But for me, it was this loaded question with such a complex back end. I wasn’t openly gay yet but I did have a girlfriend at the time. I remember thinking, Okay, do I lie, and my girlfriend will kill me because I’m now saying I’m single on a Reality TV show? Or do I tell the truth, and now the entire world knows I’m gay and out her, because she wasn’t even out to [anyone, even her parents].” I just told the truth, and was like, ‘Yeah, I have a girlfriend.’ And I kind of, like, smiled. And Triple H was like, did you just come out on National Television? And I was like, ‘Yeah, I think did.

On the negativity of social media and being proud of her sexuality:

At first it was super daunting. I remember coming out and being like, OK, what does this mean? How do I feel? And I remember not being able to assess my emotions at first. I’m happy, because I feel free. There was a weight lifted off my shoulder/ But on the same token, I remember social media back then being a little rough. A lot of people were jumping to judgments and conclusions, and I was very young and easily influenced at the time. It was definitely hard at first, but looking back at the kind of last five years of my life and realizing that not only am I more comfortable with myself than I ever been, because of almost being forced to live my truth, but watching my younger fans be inspired by it, it means the world to me. Now, obviously I’m in a place where I’m proud of my sexuality, and it doesn’t. I want to be the voice for people who don’t have a voice.

Full interview is below. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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