
Sheamus On His Backstage Fight With Yoshi Tatsu


During an appearance on After The Bell, Sheamus recalled the incident where Yoshi Tatsu allegedly knocked him out during an off-screen encounter. Here’s what he had to say:

Me and Ted DiBiase Jr. are sharing an apartment. Yoshi had just come over from New Japan, and basically the guy who he’s supposed to stay with, left him high and dry. So we took Yoshi into our apartment. Ted slept on the couch, and he took Ted’s room, we didn’t really know this fella, but everyone seemed to like him. So it was good. Then the situation was we’re on $500 a week, and he was getting an allowance or whatever, but he wasn’t paying for any bills.

He wasn’t paying for any water, any cable, any gas and any of that stuff. Not only were we on $500 a week and we’re taking care of ourselves, we’re taking care of him. So we had a couple of constant conflicts whatever, and then it kind of boiled over one time. It was a bit of a shoving thing, and he took slap at me. I took a slap at him, and that was it. It was like two handbags me and him fighting at the each other.

It lasted about 60 seconds, but it was just like a couple of shoves and stuff. That was it right. So we’re like, OK. We got over. We all worked it out, and all of a sudden then, after the TLC match when I became WWE Champion, all these stories are going around that Yoshi Tatsu knocked me out. I was just like what? I was like where did this come from?

It was this thing that never happened, and it got blown out proportion. I talked to him about it and confronted him about it. He goes, ‘no, no. I never said that,’ but it was just this thing that got blown out. That’s when I knew there was certain people out to get me.

Credit: After The Bell. H/T WrestlingInc.

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