
Ryback On Vince McMahon Blaming New Talent For The Ratings Decline


During his Shooting Blanks podcast, Ryback discussed Vince blaming newer talent for the ratings decline and how the product looks and feels like WCW did during its dying days. Here’s what he had to say:

I equate it to back when WCW was folding up, and I remember as a fan just watching seeing all these new guys with The New Blood, and like just I didn’t care,” he said. “I wasn’t invested into them, and I didn’t know why I didn’t care, I was just like, ‘This isn’t as good. Like, where are the guys that I loved? Where are they?’ And it was falling apart.

This is kind of, even though financially that’s not the case with WWE and all of these other things, but from a product standpoint it’s very similar what’s going on, and even if these other talents do get over, you know, like Street Profits. I feel like Street Profits are getting over to a degree, but they’re no where near the level they would if they were actually with some really really over talent. It’s only going to get so high, and the ratings, I don’t see the ratings improving significantly. I think there will be a pop when the crowds are back, but the numbers have been on a decline for too long because this business model is not working.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Shooting Blanks. H/T WrestlingInc.

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