
Rocky Romero loses hair versus hair at CMLL Homenaje a Dos Leyendas


CMLL’s Twitter

Rocky Romero was offering free hair cuts at Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (Mar. 17, 2023), but he ended up as the one without hair at the end of the night.

Romero was on the losing end of a four-way hair versus hair contest against Volador Jr., Angel de Oro, and Oraculo. The format was elimination with the final two competing in the lucha de apuestas. With great risk comes great reward.

Angel was the first luchador eliminated via 450 splash from Oraculo. Romero eliminated Oraculo via armbar submission. The hair versus fair final came down to Romero and Volador. That’s the matchup the people wanted all along. Romero and Volador have a hot rivalry brewing. Romero won the CMLL World Historic Welterweight Championship from Volador, and he also embarrassed Volador with rudos tricks, like referring to himself as Volador’s papi and shoving cake in Volador’s face.

The finale was action-packed with close calls on pinfalls. Romero landed his Spanish Fly armbar finisher, but Volador locked his hands together preventing extension. Volador was able to reach the ropes with his foot for the break. That armbar move has been Volador’s kryptonite in past losses to Romero.

Both luchadores rose to their feet to throw blows. They ran the ropes back and forth. Volador ducked a clothesline and came back for a Mexican Destroyer for victory. Volador cherished the spoils of war by cutting Romero’s hair. Romero took the haircut like a proud papi that his ‘son’ finally won.

Enjoy the hair versus hair highlights.

Backstage, Romero was in good spirits, because he is still a champion and still very handsome. This rivalry is not over.

Rocky has two words for you, “Dale Azucar.”

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