
Rey Mysterio Hoping To Have A WrestleMania Moment With Dominik Before He Retires


Lucha-libre legend Rey Mysterio recently spoke with UK Metro about all things pro-wrestling, including how happy he is that he’s gotten to compete next to his son Dominik in WWE, but that he’s keeping his fingers crossed that the two can share a WrestleMania moment together before he retires. Highlights from the interview are below.

How happy he is that he got to team with his son and become tag team champions:

There is definitely a WrestleMania moment that has yet to be seen next to my son. That is something that if you would have told me a year ago, that I was going to be able to share the ring with my son, let alone become tag-team champions – the first ever in WWE – I would have said, “get out of here.

Hopes to have a WrestleMania moment with Dominiki before he hangs em up:

But now things have just flourished and have manifested, I’m putting this out in the world that I want to have a WrestleMania moment with my son before I end up hanging up the mask.’

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