
Renee Paquette On How She Feels About Jon Moxley Working Deathmatches: “Obviously It’s Really Hard To Watch”


Renee Paquette appeared on today’s edition of Busted Open Radio to discuss a number of different topics, including how she feels about her husband, AEW superstar Jon Moxley, working deathmatches for GCW. Hear her full thoughts on the subject below.

How she feels about Mox wrestling deathmatches with GCW:

“Obviously, it’s really hard to watch. I don’t even really know how to put it into words. You’re watching your loved one, my husband, doing this insane sh*t. Just seeing him bleeding that much, seeing his back tore up, it looked like grilled beef. The dude walked in the door yesterday. By the time he got home, I’d never seen him look worse. It’s hard to watch that. It’s hard to see him go through that. Also, he retained the championship, so what does that mean? Does that mean there is more of this? That’s kind of where my head goes, like, what’s happening here? It’s stressful. It’s really hard to watch. It’s hard to see him bleeding that much, the thick panes of glass, how many light tubes? I’m like, is it in his eyes? Is it in his lungs? It’s all the stuff that goes through my mind while I’m watching him do this.”

Says even though it’s difficult to watch she wants Mox to be happy:

“The thing is, I want him to go out the door and go do the things he wants to do. I want him to be happy. I want to see him thrive in that space, and obviously, he is, but as soon as he walks through the door, I’m still in wife mode. I’m like, let me see. I want to assess all of the damage. That’s exactly what happened yesterday. He walked through the door. I’m such an idiot. He was wearing a baseball hat for his flight to cover up all the marks on his forehead, and I pulled it off not paying attention to the fact that it was being held on by dry blood. I pulled it off and it started bleeding all over again. His shirt was stuck to his back. He had to go upstairs obviously to shower again. I was assessing how bad his back was, and how bad his head and face were. It was definitely the worst that I’ve seen of it. All I can do is try to spray it down with some hydrogen peroxide, maybe get a little Aloe Vera on there, and hope for the best.”

Whether Mox has to do these things:

“No, I don’t think he has to do anything. It’s what he wants to do. That’s the thing, whether it’s him showing up in GCW and winning their title and having these matches with Nick Gage, or he pops up to Defy in Seattle, he shows up there, and people aren’t expecting him to be there, that’s the thing he wants to do. He loves indie wrestling. He loves being a part of that. I think for somebody with the name, the clout, and the credibility that he has to be in that space and be doing it because he wants to be there, that’s Jon. That’s the guy that he is. He’s not there looking to be rich and famous and be on TV. He wants to do art and matches that he’s proud of. The balls in his court to be able to do that, and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. For me to say, ‘I don’t want you to do that’, obviously I don’t want him to get injured, that’s first and foremost, but for him to creatively be able to scratch that itch, that’s what I want to see him do. I want to see him be happy with his work.”

(H/T and transcribed by WrestlingNews.Co)

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