
Possible Spoiler on One Member of Retribution From Last Week


It has been confirmed that one of the females being used in segments involving RETRIBUTION is Jessi Kamea. She is the one sporting the purple highlights in her hair that hung out from her hood.

It had been speculated over the weekend whether she was the female we were seeing. There’s still no word on whether the current group being used is the real RETRIBUTION members or just stand-ins. It was previously reported that WWE may still be unsure who each member actually is yet, but their identities are being kept close to the chest by top WWE officials either way. It was noted last week that WWE has been making it clear that a woman is in the group due to the violence on other female wrestlers during their segments so it didn’t appear a man was hurting a woman.

Jessi Kamea has been training at the performance center since 2017. She had previously been going by Jessi Elaban and has been used sparingly at NXT events over the years.

(Credit: f4wonline.com)

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