
NWA Powerrr Results 10/18/22


NWA Powerrr Results 10/18/22
Skyway Studios
Nashville, Tennessee

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team: (Joe Galli, Velvet Sky and Tim Storm)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Trevor Murdoch vs. Matt Taven

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Murdoch backs Taven into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Murdoch goes for a Bodyslam, but Taven lands back on his feet. Taven applies a waist lock. Taven with The O’Connor Roll for a one count. Taven signals for the test of strength. Taven applies a wrist lock. Murdoch with a forearm smash. Murdoch with clubbing blows to Taven’s back. Taven dropkicks Murdoch. Taven with a Stinger Splash. Murdoch reverses out of the irish whip from Taven. Taven with a deep arm-drag. Taven applies an arm-bar. Murdoch tugs on Taven’s hair. Murdoch drives his knee into the midsection of Taven. Murdoch whips Taven across the ring. Murdoch scores the elbow knockdown. Murdoch with clubbing elbow smashes. Murdoch whips Taven out of the ring.

Murdoch drives Taven back first into the ring apron. Murdoch chops Taven. Murdoch rolls Taven back into the ring. Murdoch with a sharp knee strike. Murdoch with three corner clotheslines. Murdoch follows that with an elbow across the bridge of Taven’s nose. Murdoch with forearm shivers. Murdoch sends Taven to the corner. Taven rolls under a clothesline from Murdoch. Taven with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Taven delivers his combination offense. Taven ducks another clothesline from Murdoch. Taven with a Spinning NeckBreaker for a two count. Taven with a SpringBoard MoonSault for a two count. Taven with a chop/forearm combination. Taven drops Murdoch with a SpringBoard Enzuigiri for a two count. Taven delivers The Shining Wizard. Taven goes for The Frog Splash, but Murdoch ducks out of the way. Murdoch connects with The Flying Bulldog to pickup the victory.

Winner: Trevor Murdoch via Pinfall 

– Velvet Sky has decided to give her title shot from The NWA Champions Series to Angelina Love.

– Kyle Davis interviewed The Spectaculars at the podium. Rolando Freeman claims that everybody in the NWA is ducking him and his collective unit. Tyrus joins the conversation. Rolando threatens to kick Tyrus ass. BLK Jeez tells Tyrus to calm down and he’s been busy making dumb ass decisions as of late. Tyrus grabs Jeez by his throat and storms off the set.

– AJ Cazana is looking forward to fighting Jordan Clearwater for the Vacated NWA World TV Title this weekend on NWA USA.

– The Dirty Sexy Boys will be having a non title match soon with La Rebellion.

– Austin Idol Vignette.

– Don’t forget to get your replica NWA Belts at fandubelts.com/NWA 

Second Match: JR Kratos vs. Rodney Mack w/Aron Stevens 

Feeling out process after the bell rings. Kratos with a waist lock takedown. Kratos applies a front face lock. Chain grappling exchange. That leads us to a huge standoff in the center of the ring. Stevens throws a fit at ringside. Kratos backs Mack into the turnbuckles. Kratos pats Mack on the chest. Mack kicks Kratos in the gut. Mack hammers down on the back of Kratos neck. Chop Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Mack with the greco roman eye poke. Mack sends Kratos to the corner. Corner Clothesline Exchange. Kratos Powerslams Mack. Kratos goes for a Running Splash, but Mack ducks out of the way. Mack applies a hammerlock.

Mack drives Kratos shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Mack wraps the left shoulder of Kratos around the steel ring post. Mack slams the left shoulder of Kratos on the ring apron. The referee tells Stevens to back away. Mack is choking Kratos with his boot. Mack continues to work on the left shoulder of Kratos. Mack applies an arm-bar. Kratos pie faces Mack. Kratos kicks Mack in the face. Mack ducks a clothesline from Kratos. Mack drops Kratos with an Arm-Breaker for a two count. Mack applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Kratos grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Kratos hits The Michinoku Driver. Kratos clotheslines Mack. Kratos scores the elbow knockdown. Kratos with a Running Lariat. Stevens delivers a cheap shot behind the referee’s back. Mack connects with The Mongrovian Spike to pickup the victory.

Winner: Rodney Mack via Pinfall 

Third Match: Angelina Love vs. Chelsea Green In A Champions Series Title Opportunity Match 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Love shoves Green. Strong lockup. Wrist Lock Exchange. Green applies a side headlock. Love transitions into a hammerlock. Love with a side headlock takeover. Green answers with the headscissors neck lock. Love grabs a side headlock. Standing Switch Exchange. Green applies a full nelson lock. Love stomps on the left foot of Green. Love rolls Green over for a two count. Love sends Green to the corner. Green side steps Love into the turnbuckles. Short-Arm Reversal by Love. Love sweeps out the legs of Green. Love with a jackknife hold for a two count. Green reverses out of the irish whip from Love. Rollup Exchange.

Green is displaying her frustration. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Love with a deep arm-drag. Love with a Hip Toss. Love with The Dumpsta Driver for a two count. Green kicks Love in the face. Green calls for a timeout. Love tugs on Green’s hair. Green with a neck snap off the middle rope. Green with a double boot for a two count. Green argues with the referee. Green applies the cravate. Following a snap mare takeover, Green with a Running Neck Snap for a two count. Love kicks Green in the gut. Green chops Love. Short-Arm Reversal by Love. Love ducks a clothesline from Green. Love with a Twisting NeckBreaker.

Love with forearm shivers. Green reverses out of the irish whip from Love. Love with two clotheslines. Love sends Green to the corner. Love drops Green with a Running Bulldog for a two count. Green denies The Monkey Flip. Green with a palm strike. Love kicks Green in the face. Love puts Green on the top turnbuckle. Love punches Green in the chest. Green denies The SuperPlex. Green HeadButts Love. Green delivers The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Green hooks both legs for a two count. Love avoids The Ripcord Elbow. Love denies The Unprettier. Love hits The Lights Out for a two count. Green nails Love with a throat thrust. Green rolls Love over with a handful of tights to pickup the victory.

Winner: Chelsea Green via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: Kerry Morton vs. Joe Alonzo

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Alonzo with a deep arm-drag. Alonzo talks smack to Morton. Strong lockup. Alonzo with another arm-drag. Alonzo with a full nelson switch. Alonzo applies a hammerlock. Alonzo toys around with Morton. Morton with a series of arm-drags of his own. Morton applies an arm-bar. Morton drives his knee into the left shoulder of Alonzo. Alonzo regroups on the outside. Morton throws Alonzo back into the ring. Morton dropkicks Alonzo. Alonzo dropkicks the back of Morton’s neck for a one count. Alonzo applies The Camel Clutch. Alonzo with a forearm shot across the back of Morton’s neck. Alonzo walks over Morton’s back. Alonzo continues to run his mouth.

Alonzo and Morton are trading back and forth shots. Morton with forearm shivers. Alonzo reverses out of the irish whip from Morton. Alonzo blocks a boot from Morton. Alonzo with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Alonzo kicks the left hamstring of Morton. Alonzo with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Alonzo rams his boot across Morton’s face. Alonzo applies a rear chin lock. Morton decks Alonzo with a JawBreaker. Morton with a Spinning Back Fist. Morton kicks Alonzo in the gut. Morton with a NeckBreaker. Morton with a Rolling Senton. Alonzo heads towards the ring apron. Alonzo slams Morton’s head on the top rope. Morton avoids The SpringBoard Cutter. Morton connects with Kiss It Goodbye to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kerry Morton via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: EC3 vs. Mercurio 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Mercurio applies a waist lock. Mercurio transitions into a front face lock. Mercurio taunts EC3. Strong lockup. EC3 backs Mercurio into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. EC3 shoves Mercurio. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. EC3 applies a side headlock. Mercurio whips EC3 across the ring. EC3 drops Mercurio with a shoulder tackle. Mercurio drops down on the canvas. Mercurio leapfrogs over EC3. Mercurio goes for a Bodyslam, but EC3 counters with a Hip Toss. EC3 blocks a boot from Mercurio. Mercurio slams EC3’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Mercurio with a running forearm smash. EC3 side steps Mercurio into the turnbuckles. EC3 with a Running Lariat. EC3 clotheslines Mercurio over the top rope.

EC3 with clubbing blows to Mercurio’s chest. EC3 slams Mercurio’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. EC3 is lighting up Mercurio’s chest. EC3 whips Mercurio into the turnbuckles. EC3 with a corner clothesline. EC3 hits The Exploder Suplex. EC3 fish hooks Mercurio. EC3 applies a rear chin lock. Mercurio with heavy bodyshots. EC3 reverses out of the irish whip from Mercurio. EC3 with a Lou Thez Press. EC3 transitions into a ground and pound attack. Mercurio with heavy bodyshots. Mercurio uppercuts EC3. Mercurio with two haymakers.

Mercurio ducks a clothesline from EC3. Mercurio sends EC3 to the corner. Mercurio with a Running Uppercut. Mercurio with a Rising Knee Strike. Mercurio rolls under a clothesline from EC3. Mercurio SuperKicks EC3. Mercurio with The Unprettier for a two count. Mercurio with clubbing blows to EC3’s back. EC3 drives his knee into the midsection of Mercurio. EC3 punches Mercurio in the back. EC3 with a TKO onto the knee. EC3 connects with The Essential Driver to pickup the victory. After the match, EC3 talks smack about Thomas Latimer. EC3 knows how this story will end at Hard Times III and Latimer has been officially warned.

Winner: EC3 via Pinfall

Checkout Episode 331 of The Hoots Podcast 

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