
NJPW Summer Struggle Results 8/25/21


NJPW Summer Struggle Results 8/25/21
Korakuen Hall
Tokyo, Japan

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Ryohei Oiwa vs. Kosei Fujita 

Test Of Strength. Fujita applies a front face lock. Oiwa grabs the right leg of Fujita. Chain grappling exchange. Standing Switch Exchange. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Fujita with a deep arm-drag. Fujita applies an arm-bar. Wrist Lock Exchange. Fujita with a single leg takedown. Fujita grapevines the legs of Oiwa. Second Wrist Lock Exchange. Oiwa with a side headlock takeover. Fujita answers with the headscissors escape. Strong lockup. Oiwa with another side headlock takeover. Oiwa transitions into the cravate. Following a snap mare takeover, Fujita applies a hammerlock. Oiwa with a drop toe hold. Oiwa applies a side headlock. Oiwa with a side headlock takeover. Fujita puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Oiwa repeatedly stomps on Fujita’s chest. Oiwa applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar.

Oiwa works on the left wrist of Fujita. Oiwa applies The Kimura Lock. Fujita puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Oiwa repeatedly stomps on Fujita’s back. Oiwa stomps on the left elbow of Fujita. Oiwa with The Fireman’s Carry Takeover. Oiwa applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Oiwa continues to stomp on Fujita’s back. Forearm Exchange. Fujita drops Oiwa with a shoulder tackle. Fujita slams the left knee of Oiwa on the canvas. Fujita repeatedly stomps on the left hamstring of Oiwa. Fujita applies The Heel Hook. Oiwa grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Fujita repeatedly stomps on the left knee of Oiwa. Fujita applies the single leg crab. Fujita repeatedly stomps on Oiwa’s back. Fujita slaps Oiwa in the back of the head. Oiwa with a double leg takedown. Oiwa transitions into a ground and pound attack. Oiwa goes into the lateral press for a two count. Oiwa goes to the well with stomping on Fujita’s back. Oiwa with a single leg takedown. Oiwa applies The Boston Crab as time expires.

Match Result: Time-Limit Draw 

Second Match: Minoru Suzuki & Douki vs. El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori 

Minoru Suzuki and El Phantasmo will start things off. Phantasmo is playing mind games with Suzuki. Suzuki applies a wrist lock. Phantasmo with a waist lock go-behind. Suzuki transitions into a double wrist lock. Suzuki walks Phantasmo into the ropes. Suzuki tells Phantasmo to bring it. Chop Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Phantasmo applies the nipple hold. Suzuki with Two HeadButts. Suzuki tags in Douki. Suzuki Gun gangs up on Phantasmo. Douki repeatedly stomps on Phantasmo’s chest. Phantasmo with a gut punch. Douki with a knife edge chop. Phantasmo reverses out of the irish whip from Douki. Phantasmo drops down on the canvas. Douki leapfrogs over Phantasmo. Douki splits down on the canvas. Phantasmo lunges over Douki. Douki with a Running Headscissors Takeover. Douki dropkicks Phantasmo. Ishimori kicks Douki in the back. Douki knocks Ishimori off the ring apron. Douki with a Back Body Drop that sends Phantasmo crashing into Ishimori. Douki lands The Asai MoonSault.

Douki rolls Phantasmo back into the ring. Ishimori runs interference. Douki kicks Ishimori into the steel barricade. Phantasmo clears the ring. Ishimori with a straight right hand. All hell starts breaking loose in Korakuen Hall. Ishimori sends Douki face first into the steel ring post. Phantasmo rakes the eyes of Suzuki. Phantasmo slams Suzuki’s head on the apron. Phantasmo is raining down haymakers. Phantasmo continues to rake the eyes of Suzuki. Phantasmo applies a front face lock. Phantasmo tags in Ishimori. Ishimori with a flying back rake. Ishimori applies the cravate. Following a snap mare takeover, Ishimori with a fist drop. Ishimori punches Douki. Ishimori tags in Phantasmo. Bullet Club is mauling Douki in the corner. The referee is trying to keep Suzuki out of the ring. Ishimori goes for The Cipher Utaki, but Douki lands back on his feet. Ishimori ducks a clothesline from Douki. Douki denies The German Suplex. Douki kicks Ishimori in the gut. Douki with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Douki tags in Suzuki. Suzuki kicks Ishimori in the gut. Suzuki slaps Ishimori in the chest. Second Forearm Exchange. Suzuki with The Helluva Kick. Following a snap mare takeover, Suzuki kicks Phantasmo off the apron. Suzuki blasts Ishimori with The PK. Ishimori with forearm shivers. Suzuki drives his knee into the midsection of Ishimori. Suzuki applies The Kimura Lock/Standing Leg Lock Combination.

Ishimori is throwing haymakers at Suzuki. Suzuki rocks Ishimori with a forearm smash. Suzuki whips Ishimori across the ring. Ishimori goes for a Handspring Back Elbow Smash, but Suzuki counters with The Sleeper Hold. Douki tags himself in. Douki repeatedly stomps on Ishimori’s chest. Douki sends Ishimori to the corner. Ishimori side steps Douki into the turnbuckles. Ishimori nails Suzuki with The Pump Kick. Phantasmo with a leaping back elbow smash. Assisted CodeBreaker. Phantasmo lands The MoonSault. Ishimori hooks the outside leg for a two count. Suzuki dumps Phantasmo out of the ring. Ishimori thrust kicks the midsection of Suzuki. Suzuki ducks a clothesline from Ishimori. Suzuki applies The Sleeper Hold. Suzuki goes for The Gotch Style PileDriver, but Phantasmo counters with a back rake. Suzuki and Phantasmo starts brawling on the outside. Ishimori reverses out of the irish whip from Douki. Douki holds onto the ropes. Douki kicks Ishimori in the face. Douki with a shoulder block. Douki connects with The Day Break for a two count. Douki goes for Suplex De Luna, but Ishimori blocks it. Douki rolls Ishimori over for a two count. Douki uppercuts Ishimori. Douki with The Spinning Side Walk Slam for a two count. Phntasmo delivers The Sudden Death. Ishimori hooks the inside leg to pickup the victory.

Winner: El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori via Pinfall

Third Match: Toru Yano & Togi Makabe vs. Chase Owens & Jado

Owens attacks Yano before the bell rings. Owens repeatedly stomps on Yano’s chest. Owens kicks Yano out of the ring. Owens with a straight right hand. Owens slams Yano’s head on the ring apron. Forearm Exchange. Jado rakes the eyes of Makabe. Owens whips Yano into the steel barricade. Jado rakes the back of Makabe. Jado rolls Makabe back into the ring. Jado with a double sledge. Owens kicks Makabe in the gut. Jado with a knife edge chop. Double Irish Whip. Makabe side steps Jado into the turnbuckle pad. Makabe drops Owens with a shoulder tackle. Makabe with four corner clotheslines. Makabe transitions into a corner mount. Owens denies The Northern Lights Suplex. Makabe is throwing haymakers at Owens. Jado nails Makabe with the kendo stick.

Owens knocks Yano off the apron. Owens tags in Jado. Jado applies a side headlock. Jado rams Makabe’s face across the top strand. Jado with rapid fire haymakers. Jado rakes the eyes of Makabe. Jado is choking Makabe with his boot. Jado slams Makabe’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Jado tags in Owens. Owens repeatedly stomps on the right knee of Makabe. Owens applies a single leg crab. Jado slams Makabe’s head on the top rope. Owens goes into the lateral press for a two count. Owens rams his forearm across Makabe’s face. Owens sends Makabe face first into the turnbuckle pad. Owens with a running forearm smash. Owens with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Owens toys around with Makabe. Makabe with forearm shivers. Jado kicks Makabe in the back. Makabe punches Jado. Owens with The Pump Knee Strike.

Makabe creates distance with The Western Lariat. Makabe tags in Yano. Yano removes a turnbuckle pad. Owens thrust kicks the midsection of Yano. Owens continues to stomp on Yano’s chest. Yano whips Owens into the exposed steel. Yano wraps a rope around Owens neck. The referee admonishes Yano. Owens drives his knee into the midsection of Yano. Yano with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Yano with a double leg takedown. Yano catapults Owens face first into the exposed steel. The referee catches Yano going for the low blow. Yano pulls out medical tape. Owens delivers the low blow. Owens throws the referee out of the ring which causes the disqualification. After the match, Owens connects with The Package PileDriver on the red chair. Jado applies The CrossFace. Owens tapes Yano to the middle rope. Owens repeatedly whips Yano with the leather strap.

Winner: Toru Yano & Togi Makabe via Disqualification 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Fourth Match: Kazuchika Okada & Tomoaki Honma vs. Jeff Cobb & The Great O-Khan 

Kazuchika Okada and Jeff Cobb will start things off. Cobb ducks a clothesline from Okada. Cobb kicks Okada in the gut. Cobb punches Okada in the back. Cobb uppercuts Okada. Cobb with a knife edge chop. Okada reverses out of the irish whip from Cobb. Okada kicks Cobb in the face. Okada with a straight right hand. Following a snap mare takeover, Cobb drops Okada with a shoulder tackle. Cobb applies a front face lock. Cobb tags in Khan. Okada with clubbing shoulder blocks. Okada avoids the double team attack. Okada tags in Honma. Chain grappling exchange. Khan with a single leg takedown. Khan applies a front face lock. Khan transitions into a double wrist lock. Khan walks Honma into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Khan slaps Honma in the face. Honma with forearm shivers. Khan denies The Bodyslam. Khan punches Honma in the back. Honma decks Khan with a back elbow smash. Honma bodyslams Khan. Khan avoids The Kokeshi HeadButt. Khan knocks Okada off the ring apron.

Khan repeatedly stomps on Honma’s back. Cobb repeatedly stomps on Okada’s chest. Khan applies The Claw. Honma unloads two knife edge chops. Khan drives his knee into the midsection of Honma. Khan is lighting up Honma’s chest. Khan blocks a boot from Honma. Khan rakes the eyes of Honma. Khan slams Honma’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. The Great Wall Of Khan. Khan tags in Cobb. Khan stands on the left knee of Honma. Cobb is putting the boots to Honma. Cobb with a forearm smash. Cobb HeadButts Honma. Honma with three overhand chops. Cobb drives his knee into the midsection of Honma. Cobb repeatedly drives his knee into Honma’s back. Cobb slings Honma across the ring. Cobb goes into the cover for a two count. Cobb slams Honma’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Cobb tags in Khan. Khan with Two Mongolian Chops. Khan applies The Sheep Killer. Khan goes for a bodyslam, but Honma lands back on his feet. Honma applies a waist lock. Honma kicks Khan in the gut. Khan denies The DDT. Honma ducks a clothesline from Khan. Honma drops Khan with The DDT. Honma tags in Okada.

Okada with a running forearm smash. Okada scores the elbow knockdown. Khan reverses out of the irish whip from Okada. Okada with a running elbow smash. Okada knocks Cobb off the apron. Okada whips Khan across the ring. Okada hits The Flapjack for a two count. Okada bodyslams Khan. Okada dives over Khan. Khan blocks a boot from Okada. Khan sends Okada face first into the canvas. Okada denies The GutWrench Suplex. Khan with a Judo Throw. Khan tags in Cobb. Cobb repeatedly drives Okada back first into the turnbuckle pads. Cobb with a Running Vertical Suplex for a two count. Okada with forearm shivers. Okada uppercuts Cobb. Okada applies The Money Clip. Cobb with an arm-drag takedown. Cobb with a forearm smash. Okada dropkicks Cobb. Okada tags in Honma. Honma knocks Khan off the apron. Honma unloads four knife edge chops.

Honma sends Khan to the corner. Honma with a running elbow smash. Honma with The Running Bulldog. Khan denies The Kokeshi HeadButt. Khan fires off another round of Mongolian Chops. Honma drives his knee into the midsection of Khan. Honma with The DDT/Flatliner Combination. Honma follows that with Two Kokeshi HeadButts. Honma applies The STF. Khan clears the ring. Khan with a corner clothesline. GutWrench Suplex Party for a two count. Khan knocks Okada off the apron. Cobb delivers The Oklahoma Stampede for a two count. Cobb whips Honma across the ring. Honma with a Diving Kokeshi HeadButt. Khan runs interference. Okada with a running axe handle strike. Okada with clubbing blows to Cobb’s back. Okad denies The Tombstone PileDriver. Okada with forearm shivers. Cobb dropkicks Okada. Cobb catches Honma in mid-air. Cobb delivers The Spin Cycle. Cobb connects with Tour Of The Islands to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jeff Cobb & The Great O-Khan via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: Hirooki Goto, Yoshi Hashi, Robbie Eagles, and Tiger Mask vs. Zack Sabre Jr, Taichi, El Desperado, and Yoshinobu Kanemaru In A 8-Man Tag Team Elimination Match 

Suzuki Gun attacks Chaos before the bell rings. Taichi whips Goto into the steel barricade. Taichi wraps a cable chord around Goto’s neck. Taichi rolls Goto back into the ring. Taichi is choking Goto with his boot. Following a snap mare takeover, Taichi kicks Goto in the back. Forearm/Hamstring Kick Exchange. Goto with a running shoulder tackle. Assisted Hip Toss. Goto kicks Sabre in the gut. War Drums to Sabre, Desperado and Kanemaru. Goto tags in Hashi. Hashi hammers down on the back of Taichi’s neck. Hashi slams Taichi’s head on the turnbuckle pad. Hashi with forearm shivers. Hashi talks smack to Taichi. Hashi is choking Taichi with his boot. Hashi with the irish whip. Hashi unloads two knife edge chops. Hashi thrust kicks the midsection of Taichi. Taichi responds with The Dangerous Back Drop Driver. All hell starts breaking loose in Korakuen Hall.

Taichi hooks the outside leg for a two count. Taichi repeatedly kicks Hashi in the back. Taichi tags in Sabre. Sabre applies The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Sabre grapevines the legs of Hashi. Sabre applies The STF. Sabre repeatedly stomps on Hashi’s back. Suzuki Gun is mauling Hashi in the corner. Red Shoes is trying to get Goto out of the ring. Desperado rakes the eyes of Eagles. Taichi dumps Goto out of the ring. Kanemaru with a Running Boot. Kanemaru is choking Hashi with his boot. Taichi pulls Hashi out of the ring. Suzuki Gun whips Hashi into the steel barricade. Taichi continues to stomp on Hashi’s back. Desperado rolls Hashi back into the ring. Kanemaru goes into the lateral press for a two count. Hashi is displaying his fighting spirit. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Hashi. Suzuki Gun continues to take advantage of Red Shoes vision in the corner. Kanemaru tags in Desperado. Desperado with a NeckBreaker. Desperado taunts Tiger Mask.

Red Shoes is trying to calm down Tiger Mask. Desperado stomps on Hashi’s chest. Desperado applies a rear chin lock. Quadruple Boot Wash. Red Shoes admonishes Suzuki Gun. Desperado is choking Hashi with his boot. Desperado tags in Taichi. Choke Hold Party. Taichi toys around with Hashi. Hashi with three knife edge chops. Taichi kicks Hashi in the gut. Taichi with Kawada Kicks. Taichi with a corner clothesline for a two count. Hashi denies The Stretch Plum. Hashi avoids The Axe Bomber. Hashi delivers The Head Hunter. Hashi tags in Goto. Goto with a shoulder tackle. Goto clears the ring. Goto with forearm shivers. Goto with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Goto follows that with The Running Bulldog for a two count. Taichi denies The Ushigoroshi. Choke Hold Exchange. Red Shoes admonishes Chaos. Goto hammers down on the back of Taichi’s neck. Goto applies a waist lock. Taichi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Goto with a Running Lariat. Taichi side steps Goto into the turnbuckle pad. Taichi with The Kamagiri Kick. Eagles and Kanemaru are tagged in.

Kanemaru ducks a clothesline from Eagles. Kanemaru thrust kicks the midsection of Eagles. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Eagles. Short-Arm Reversal by Eagles. Eagles with The Satellite Arm-Drag. Eagles ducks under two clotheslines from Kanemaru. Eagles with a Running Headscissors Takeover. Eagles with a Spinning Leg Lariat. Eagles unloads three mid-kicks. Desperado kicks Eagles in the back. Kanemaru dropkicks the left knee of Eagles. Kanemaru tags in Desperado. Desperado knocks Tiger Mask off the apron. Desperado repeatedly stomps on the left knee of Eagles. Desperado applies Numero Dos. Tiger Mask breaks up the submission hold. Desperado stomps on Eagles back. Eagles dropkicks Desperado. Eagles tags in Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask with a Flying Crossbody Block. Desperado goes for The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker, but Tiger Mask lands back on his feet. Desperado with a shoulder block. Tiger Mask hits The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker for a two count. Tiger Mask with Two Mid-Kicks. Desperado hammers down on the left knee of Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask kicks Desperado in the gut. Desperado with The SpineBuster. Desperado goes back to Numero Dos.

Tiger Mask grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Running Dropkick/Belly to Back Suplex Combination. Desperado with The Guitarra De Angel for a two count. Kanemaru dumps Eagles out of the ring. Tiger Mask denies Pinche Loco. Desperado rakes the eyes of Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask with a low bridge that sends Desperado to the apron. Tiger Mask kicks Desperado in the gut. Tiger Mask kicks Desperado off the apron, but Red Shoes was distracted by Kanemaru. Desperado delivers the low blow. Desperado throws Tiger Mask over the top rope. Tiger Mask has been eliminated. Eagles with a shoulder block. Eagles with a SpringBoard Missile Dropkick. Desperado denies The Ron Miller Special. Eagles with a knee drop. Eagles with The Roundhouse Kick. Eagles SuperKicks Desperado. Desperado dodges The Step Up Enzuigiri. Desperado rocks Eagles with a forearm smash. Eagles denies Pinche Loco. Eagles back drops Desperado to the apron. Desperado avoids The Tiger Feint Kick. Forearm Exchange. Desperado denies Turbo Backpack. Desperado rakes the eyes of Eagles. Desperado with a forearm smash. Eagles knocks Desperado off the apron with The Step Up Enzuigiri. El Desperado has been eliminated.

Kanemaru attacks Eagles from behind. Kanemaru with a forearm smash. Eagles reverses out of the irish whip from Kanemaru. Eagles with Two Running Meteora’s for a two count. Kanemaru avoids The 450 Splash. Kanemaru sends Eagles to the apron. Eagles with a straight right hand. Eagles dives over Kanemaru. Eagles thrust kicks the midsection of Kanemaru. Kanemaru denies The Asai DDT. Kanemaru kicks Eagles in the gut. Kanemaru with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Eagles. Eagles kicks the left knee of Kanemaru. Desperado runs interference. Kanemaru shoves Eagles off the apron. Robbie Eagles has been eliminated. Kanemaru skins the cat. Hashi with forearm shivers. Kanemaru tugs on Hashi’s hair. Hashi chops Kanemaru off the apron. Yoshinobu Kanemaru has been eliminated. Stereo Forearm/Hamstring Kick Exchange. Sabre pump kicks the left shoulder of Hashi. Hashi with a blistering chop. Taichi nails Goto with The Hook Kick. Running Boot Exchange. Hashi delivers his combination offense. Double Lariat. Axe Bomber Exchange. Taichi with a Spinning Back Kick. Taichi drops Hashi with The Axe Bomber. Goto with The Ushigoroshi. Sabre blasts Goto with The PK. Hashi SuperKicks Sabre.

Taichi kicks Hashi in the face. Hashi clotheslines Taichi. Taichi kicks Hashi in the jaw. Hashi skins the cat. Hashi avoids The Step Up Enzuigiri. Hashi with a forearm smash. Hashi lifts Taichi over the top rope. Hashi with forearm shivers. Tacihi starts choking Hashi. Hashi applies The Butterfly Lock. Hashi throws Taichi off the apron. Taichi has been eliminated. Sabre kicks Hashi off the apron. Yoshi Hashi has been eliminated. Forearm/Uppercut Exchange. Sabre applies The Cobra Twist. Goto skins the cat. Goto blocks a boot from Sabre. Goto applies The Sleeper Hold. Sabre with an arm-ringer on the top rope. Sabre kicks Goto in the face. Goto HeadButts Sabre. Goto with the irish whip. Goto with a corner clothesline. Goto goes for The Flying Elbow Drop, but Sabre counters with The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Sabre toys around with Goto. Sabre denies The GTR. Sabre connects with The European Clutch for a two count. Goto with a Misdirection Lariat. Goto brings Sabre to the apron. Sabre applies The Kimura Lock. Goto with forearm shivers. Sabre slams the right shoulder of Goto on the top rope. Goto clotheslines Sabre off the apron to pickup the victory. After the match, Dangerous Tekkers viciously attacks Goto and Hashi to close the show.

Winner: Hirooki Goto, Yoshi Hashi, Robbie Eagles and Tiger Mask       

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