
New Details on How Edge Was Injured at WWE Backlash


WWE Hall of Famers Edge and Booker T recently got together for a discussion on Booker’s “Hall of Fame” podcast, which you can see below. Edge detailed how he suffered the triceps injury during the recent WWE Backlash loss to Randy Orton.

“I did a springboard into the second RKO, I went ‘ooh,’ I got the cold sweats and I feel like I’m going to throw up. That’s usually a sign, that’s where it popped. I thought, okay, I think I have a little bit more in the tank to finish this out. We got it finished,” he said.

Edge then talked about doing “pick-up shots” for different angles after the match. He returned backstage and thought something had happened to the tricep, but originally didn’t think it was a complete tear, but did know something was wrong. Edge said his doctor told him that the issue was already lingering before the match. It’s believed that the tricep was already partially torn because the tissue was heavily diseased. Edge recalled how his elbow had been bugging him for around a month, but only when he did workouts on his chest and triceps. He also said he’s glad the injury didn’t happen sooner as it would’ve been harder to suffer the injury two minutes into the match, then try to pull off the rest of the bout.

“I want to finish it on my terms,” Edge said. “I’m really stubborn on that in this run. I really want to try and show that selling still sells. I feel like that’s been lost. Don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty, too.”

Edge, who will reportedly be out of action for several months, also talked about doing wild spots when he was younger, especially during the TLC matches, but now he wants to try and teach wrestlers how to extend their in-ring careers.

(H/T to WrestlingNews)

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