
Mickie James Recalls Nearly Quitting The Business Back In 2010, Who Convinced Her To Join TNA


The legendary Mickie James recently joined the Cut Pro Wrestling podcast to discuss a wide range of pro-wrestling-related topics, including what her mindset was after getting released by WWE back in 2010, and how she nearly quit the business before joining TNA. Highlights from the interview are below.

* The ‘Cut Pro Wrestling’ podcast spoke to Mickie James and during their conversation, Mickie thought out loud about where she would be career-wise if she opted to quit wrestling after being released from WWE in 2010.

How Kurt Angle and Dixie Carter convinced her to go to TNA after WWE release in 2010:

At that time [being released from WWE in 2010], I was very — pretty devastated in the sense of like, oh, I lost my dream job, everything that I wanted and it was Kurt [Angle] who convinced me to come to IMPACT and Dixie [Carter] was telling him — Dixie had asked him to call me to come there and I’m so grateful for that.

Admits to being so heartbroken about wrestling that she nearly quit in 2010, but is happy she didn’t:

I was so heartbroken about wrestling in that moment that I just go like, God, what if I would’ve just been like, okay, that was it, that was good, in 2010. This whole last 12 years would have been… it’s wild when you think about it.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

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