
Matt Hardy Gives Props To Private Party, “Top 5” AEW Fyter Fest Moments


AEW superstar Matt Hardy took to Twitter last night to praise tag division stars Private Party after their big win over the Inner Circle’s Santana and Ortiz at the Fyter Fest special on TNT. He writes, “These 2 young men known as Private Party are worth investing in. Both are extremely talented, great human beings, & have love & passion for the art of pro wrestling. I am theillee to help them find their ways-Both professionally & personally.”

Speaking of Fyter Fest, AEW has released the “Top 5” moments from the show. They are Jurassic Express’s big win over MJF and Wardlow, Chris Jericho on commentary, Hikaru Shida’s successful title defense, Taz’s epic shot at WWE, and Trent’s mom dropping him off for the main event. Check it out below.

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