
Matt Hardy Clarifies WWE Status Comments, Says He Offers a Unique Skill Set That No One Else Does


As noted earlier this week, Matt Hardy responded to a WWE tweet on the top 5 returns of the past decade and thanked WWE for including The Hardy Boys. He also mentioned that he knows WWE doesn’t currently look at The Hardys as top-level talents.

A fan responded to Matt and wrote, “You ARE top talent. Age doesn’t change that. Neither does a company that clearly doesn’t know what to do with it. #teamextreme”

Matt then clarified his previous comments and said he still believes he is a top talent, but he needs the right forum and opportunity to showcase how he offers a unique skill set that no one else does.

“To clarify, I believe I’m still top talent. My VESSEL isn’t as athletic as it was 20 years ago, but it’s more entertaining. I offer a unique skill set that NO ONE else does. Just need the forum & opportunity to showcase it. I’m also a pretty good promoter, creator & ambassador,” Matt wrote.

You can see the full exchange below:


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