
LoL Free Champion Rotation of the week: May 2


Let’s see which 16 champions are available to play in unranked games in this week’s LoL free champion rotation.

lol free champ rotation

Image Credits | Riot Games

LoL free champion rotation: Apr. 25th – May 2nd

League of Legends is in its 14th year of existence, ever since it went live back in 2009. Throughout the years, Riot has made constant changes to the game, adding champions and bringing updates to make the game refreshing. Learning and mastering all these characters takes time. Riot has a system that unlocks champions with Blue Essence, but getting all of them requires a lot of playtime.

Luckily for newcomers and those who do not wish to spend money to get the champions, Riot gives players the chance to try most of them with the weekly champion rotation, allowing them to test out the given champion for free.

Currently, the developers allow you to have a minimum of 16 free champions each week. For this week, we have a total of 19 champions to try out, so it’s the perfect occasion to get some more games played.

The free champion rotation switches up every week on Tuesday, so make sure to come and check out which ones you can try on Summoners’ Rift for the given week.

These are the champions that are part of this week’s free champion rotation:

  • Alistar
  • Braum
  • Camille
  • Gangplank
  • Illaoi
  • Ivern
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jinx
  • Kai’Sa
  • Kassadin
  • Kayn
  • Lee Sin
  • Lux
  • Morgana
  • Shvyana
  • Sylas
  • Urgot
  • Veigar
  • Yone
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Best champions to play in this week’s free rotation

League of Legends is an extremely dynamic game, where patches can make certain strategies or champions stronger than others. By looking at the current weekly rotation, we are going to break down the strongest champions to play, one per role.

  • Top – Illaoi
  • Jungle – Jarvan IV
  • Mid – Yone
  • ADC – Jinx
  • Support – Nautilus

If you’re looking for a champion to play top with this week, we recommend Illaoi. The juggernaut has a relatively easy kit to learn and does absurd damage while also being tanky. Not to mention that she can win alone teamfights with one good ultimate, taking down the enemies thanks to her tentacles.

If you want to smash people as a jungler, instead, go for Jarvan IV. He’s one of the strongest junglers in the current meta, having great early and mid-game skirmishing power. He’s perfect to punish overextending champions and initiate snowballs by spam ganking.

Image Credits | Riot Games

For mid lane, we recommend playing Yone this week. He’s a super mobile and slippery champion and has great carry potential when ahead. He’s a bit tough to pick up and master but you’re guaranteed to have fun once you are able to get the hang of him. 

There are only two choices for ADCs this week, and among the two, you always want to go for Jinx. Not only because she has become the face of League but she also happens to be one of the best ADCs in the meta. You are definitely going to enjoy throwing rockets and blowing people up during the fights.

Image Credits | Riot Games

To round off the list, we have Alistar for support. He received a couple of buffs so far this season, and people are slowly realizing his power and potential as an engage support. If you like being in the enemies’ face, he’s the right champion for you.

These are our recommendations for the week! That said, feel free to try everyone out: maybe you’ll find a special chemistry with other champions! We’ll be back next week to see who you can try in the following LoL free champion rotation!

Read more: Top 5 champions to climb LoL SoloQ

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