
LA Knight is not a fan of Grayson Waller or Vegemite



The Megastar ran down the best that Australia has to offer during a recent trip to the Land Down Under.

In preparation for WWE’s Elimination Chamber event in Perth in February, LA Knight visited Australia and, during his stay, disregarded two of the nation’s most valuable assets.

Knight’s blatant disrespect of the Aussies began with Grayson Waller as the superstar from Sydney attempted to document his return home in front of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Waller says it’s been a rough few months as he braved the “tough, American winter.” But as his dismay turns into delight and his enthusiasm begins to peak, Knight videobombs Waller, casually strolling through his shot while taking in the sights.

But it gets worse, much worse.

In what could be akin to burning the country’s flag, Knight disses Australia’s famous food item, Vegemite. For those who don’t know, the iconic spread isn’t just owned and made in Australia; it tastes like Australia.

As the old saying goes, “When in Rome Australia, do as the Romans Australians do.” To his credit, Knight attempts to do that here as he tries the sophisticated man’s answer to peanut butter that’s high in Vitamin B. Once more, Knight demonstrates his lack of manners by giving a thumbs down to the famous spread that gained global recognition following its mention in the 1981 hit song Down Under by the Australian band Men at Work.

After saying it looked like doo-doo butter, Knight spread it on a cracker and took a bite before proclaiming, “It’s bitter. Wow. That’s Vegemite for you. Not for me. Na, na.”

Perhaps Knight would have enjoyed his sampling more if he had a tasty beverage to wash it down with, like a tall glass of Mountain Dew’s Pitch Black or Logan Paul’s thirst-quenching Prime. Regardless, Knight proved to be an uncouth guest while in the Land of Plenty.

No wonder why fans are beginning to boo this guy.

Shame on you, Knight, shame.

Australia, on behalf of every decent American, please accept my inclusion of Men at Work’s glorious tune at the bottom of my article as a peace offering.

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