
Karen Jarrett berates up the Dark Order


Being The Elite’s YouTube

Since the Dark Order took over Being The Elite, they have been working out bits to find what sticks for Being The Dark Order. One of the funnier gags is Karen Jarrett unleashing her wrath on Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver. Karen doesn’t appear on every episode, but it’s a doozy when she does.

The backstory is the Dark Order paying to sit under the learning tree of Jeff Jarrett as he teaches them what it takes to be a heel. Jeff assigned homework in the Heels for Dummies class to hone their craft dishing out insults in episode 8. The boys decided to pick on an unsuspecting woman, who turned out to be Karen. She didn’t play that game and unleashed a tirade of F bombs as Silver cracked up laughing. The class session starts at 2:53 for context and the insults fly at 8:51. Curse words are aplenty, so NSFW warning.

Karen turned violent in the latest edition of BTDO. Jeff tried to a solicit a bribe to grease the wheels of the ‘academic board’ after Reynolds was pinned in the 12-man tag teaming with Jeff, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh on Rampage. Karen interrupted in a storm of rage. She pushed over Uno in his chair and threw sneakers at them. The scene starts at 5:56 of episode 14.

Aside from the hilarity brought forth by Karen, there is a potential story idea to touch on that may find its way to AEW television. The Dark Order haven’t found success in the ring, so they decided to change strategy. Instead of trying to recruit new members, they are now seeking to be adopted by a different group. This latest episode starts with the Dark Order producing a commercial as sad boys to the tune of, “Angel,” by Sarah McLachlan. They used that compelling tearjerker for an #AdoptDarkOrder t-shirt campaign.

Evil Uno

What’s your favorite moment of Karen Jarrett ripping into the Dark Order? Who would you like to see adopt the Dark Order?

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