
Jonathan Gresham reveals new look as payoff to vignettes in TNA



TNA has been exploring the character of Jonathan Gresham with a series of vignettes. The former ROH world champion went through stages of lies, truth, and acceptance. The final payoff was resolution as he revealed a new look.

Narration of a biblical reference mentioned the mind of man changing to the mind of an animal. After the group therapy session, Gresham reflected on the discussion of his three selves and hiding behind masks. All of a sudden, he spit up black gunk, such as ink from an octopus. It was as if all three versions suddenly merged. Righteous Gresham, Octopus Gresham, and Grilled Gresham came together to reveal his new look to become his true self.


That vignette was pretty cool visually and intellectually. The series resets Gresham to rebuild toward greatness. Most importantly, it builds anticipation to see how his character develops and his journey unfolds in TNA.

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