
Johnny Gargano On NXT Being Called A Developmental Brand: “I Think It Devalues Everything We’re Doing”


Former NXT triple-crown champion Johnny Gargano recently spoke to with Sporting News to discuss his journey from the independent circuit to the top of the yellow and black brand in WWE. One topic of conversation was how NXT is still referred to as the developmental brand of the company, a statement Johnny Wrestling believes devalues everything they’ve accomplished.

Yeah. I hate it. I think it devalues everything we’re doing in NXT. It puts us a step below everyone else, and I think that’s wrong. I think that’s BS to do that. I believe everything is developmental when you want to look at it that way. I think if you’re going to consider NXT developmental than RAW and SmackDown are developmental as well. I believe we are all learning. We’re all growing. I don’t think just because you’re in a certain brand that doesn’t mean you’re progressing or growing any more than any other brand. I think that’s a garbage thing that some people will try to label NXT and devalue it. I think people should look at NXT as a third brand. I think our track record speaks for itself. Our talent speaks for itself. You can put any of us on RAW and SmackDown.

Gargano goes on to explain that all three brands are intertwined, and tells any critics to “get over themselves.”

You could put anyone from RAW and SmackDown on NXT. I think everything goes hand in hand and in unison. I don’t think you’d miss a beat. I think the three brands are very much intertwined. If you’re still using the term developmental to evaluate NXT in any way, shape, or form, I think you need to get over yourself (laughs). Wrestling is fun. Enjoy it. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to like it. It’s fine. But don’t devalue everyone’s hard work. Don’t devalue what everyone’s doing here. Don’t devalue what a lot of people are sacrificing things for. Just enjoy wrestling. Wrestling is fun, and just have fun with your life.

Full interview can be found here.

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