
It sounds like Eddie Kingston’s broken leg will keep him out of AEW longer than expected


All Elite Wrestling

AEW star Eddie Kingston suffered a torn ACL, a broken leg, and a torn meniscus on a suplex spot where his leg hit the guardrail at New Japan’s May 11 Resurgence show.

Earlier this week, we thought Eddie’s return to the ring could potentially happen in early 2025. But after Eddie met with surgeons today, that timetable has been pushed back closer to the middle of 2025.

The Mad King told PW Insider that he’ll “have to wait for his tibular frature to heal and do some physical therapy before surgeons can then focus on his knee.”

That means Eddie can’t have surgery to repair his ACL and meniscus any earlier than July. He might be fully recovered from that operation about 10 months later, which makes May 2025 the earliest target for his AEW in-ring return.

If this indeed turns out to be his recovery timeline, then Kingston will miss at least one full year of ring time due to these devastating leg and knee injuries.

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