
Is Helldivers 2 on PS4?


Helldivers 2 is one of the surprise hits of 2024. Released as a sequel to 2015’s Helldivers, the game took the series in a new direction by changing from a top-down shooter to a third-person shooter. Its unique brand of chaos was received fantastically by gamers, who have made it one of the most popular games on the scene right now. But one question still lingers. Is Helldivers 2 on PS4? We’re going to take a look and answer the question once and for all!

Is Helldivers 2 on PS4?

Helldivers 2 PS4

Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

In short – no, Helldivers 2 on PS4 does not exist. Currently, the game is only available on PlayStation 5 and PC, where it is one of the top-selling games on both platforms. When developing the game, Arrowhead Game Studios decided to leave the previous generation of consoles behind. This allowed the game to make more technical advances, utilizing the power available on PS5 and PC.

You can even see performance dips in Helldivers 2 on PS5 and PC, at times. Helldivers 2 thrives on action, and when top-of-the-line hardware is struggling to keep up, it’s hard to imagine the PS4 could, either.

Will Helldivers 2 ever come to PS4?

Helldivers 2 PS4

Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

At the moment, we’re going to say that the chances of Helldivers 2 coming to PS4 is rather slim. As mentioned, the hardware limitations could prove to be a massive factor in the reason the game remains a current-gen exclusive. Helldivers 2 is chaos-incarnate, and that could put a serious strain on the PS4’s 2013 hardware.

Never say never, though. Helldivers 2 is a mammoth hit, and despite the current-gen consoles being around for a few years now, there is no doubt millions of gamers still playing on the PS4. In real terms, that’s a bunch of money sitting on the table for Arrowhead Game Studios. It could be enough that the developer (or publisher, for that matter) decides the time to downgrade Helldivers 2 on PS4 is a worthy investment. They might just be right.

If Helldivers 2 does come to PS4, gamers shouldn’t expect it to be the exact same experience as on PS5 and PC. Big concessions will likely have to be made to get the game running. It wouldn’t be surprising if Helldivers 2 crossplay was left behind as a result.

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