
Impact Wrestling Official Reportedly Investigated Over Sexual Harassment Claim


A top Impact Wrestling official was reportedly under internal investigation over “a myriad of claims including sexual harassment” on the job, according to WNW.

The official, who has not been named as of this writing, was accused of sexually harassing a former Impact talent. It was alleged that contract extension clauses were used as leverage to ensure the accusers would sign Non-Disclosure Agreements to keep everything quiet and in-house. The contract claims were reportedly dismissed by Anthem officials.

The report noted that one of the accusers, a former talent, was granted their Impact release instead of having their contract extended.

The report also stated that a full internal investigation was to be conducted over the past few weeks, but there’s no official word on what was found or what action will be taken moving forward, if any. AXSTV officials issued the following statement in response to WNW:

“We do not comment on internal matters.”

Anthem Sports representatives did confirm that an allegation was made by a talent, and that the allegation came months after they were released. Anthem issued the following in response to WNW, noting that the matter is closed:

“Anthem confirms that an allegation of inappropriate behavior by a member of the Impact Wrestling executive team was made by a former talent, but not until many months after the talent had been released. These allegations played no part in the decision by Impact Wrestling to release the talent. Once the allegation was made, Anthem engaged an external human resources consultant to conduct an investigation, who retained independent counsel for advice on the matter. An inquiry was held in consultation with the complainant and the allegations were proven to be completely without merit. The matter is closed. No disciplinary action was deemed necessary and none was taken.”

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