


Heavy Machinery’s Tucker took to Twitter to comment on his tag partner Otis’ big win at WrestleMania 36 over Dolph Ziggler. Otis scored the victory after Mandy Rose ran in and delivered a low-blow to Ziggler in the match’s climax. Tucker writes:

When I was told that I wasn’t medically cleared because of what Dolph did, to be out there with my brother on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania, it seriously broke my heart, broke it to the core.

I love my brother Otis. I truly believe it’s my job to take care of him and make sure that the best guy I know, whose heart is just as big as he is, isn’t take advantage of.

Thank you Mandy Rose for doing the right thing. Thank you for giving Otis a change to prove just how amazing of a person he is. Most of all thank you for being there for my brother when I could not. I’m sorry that I questioned your intentions, you’re undoubtedly a beautiful human being inside and out.

Even tho I wasn’t with him, I couldn’t be more proud of Otis. He showed you don’t mess with Blue Collar Solid and proved that good guys do indeed finish first!

I love Otis.
I love Heavy Machinery.

Now that Otis has his lady there’s really only one thing left for us, the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.

Check it out below.

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