American Football

How many miles will the Miami Dolphins travel in 2024?


The Dolphins will spend a lot of time in the air next season.

The official 2024 NFL schedule has finally released, and the Miami Dolphins will have their work cut out for them this season, both on the field and in the air.

What I mean is, is that the Dolphins will travel the 2nd-most miles of any NFL team in 2024, behind only the Los Angeles Chargers.

Being on the coast, it’s to be expected that the Dolphins will fly many miles each season. Of course, having three divisional opponents who play on the opposite end of the country doesn’t help either.

Miami’s full schedule is as follows:

Thankfully, the Dolphins have zero international games scheduled for 2024, meaning the team’s longest trip will be a coast-to-coast flight to play the Seattle Seahawks in Seattle in Week 3. Other notable flights include two trips to the midwest to take on the Green Bay Packers and Cleveland Browns, as well as another coast-to-coast flight to face the Los Angeles Rams in Week 10. Throw in the yearly trips to Boston, Buffalo, and New York, and the Dolphins will travel a whopping 25,869 miles in 2024.

Luckily for the Dolphins, an early bye week (Week 6) gives the team a chance to recover after long trips to Seattle and Boston, and other long flights are sandwiched between home games. Granted, two road games to end the season isn’t ideal, but hopefully the division is wrapped up by then. Piece of cake, right?

What do you think of Miami’s schedule? Let us know down below!

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