Formula One

Horner singles out one ‘amazing ability’ enjoyed by Verstappen


Max Verstappen has been hailed as the most talented driver of his generation, but Red Bull team boss Christian Horner has noted one particular quality that stands out in the two-time world champion.

From his debut in 2015 with Toro Rosso as the youngest F1 driver in the history of the sport to becoming the youngest winner a year later in 2016, to his 36 career wins and two titles in F1, all the numbers support the claim that Verstappen is already among Grand Prix racing’s greats.

But beyond his abundance of talent and remarkable skills, his acute understanding of the dynamics of driving on the limit or his technical feedback, the Dutchman appears just as durable and steady mentally.

Seemingly immune to pressure, Verstappen also displays an uncanny ability to shield himself from distractions, as Horner has often witnessed.

“If you look back at 2021 at the pressure he had at certain points he drove some incredible races,” said the Red Bull team principal, speaking to iNews.

“In Zandvoort, his home nation had turned it into a flipping nightclub for the weekend. The noise on the grid, the expectation, the royal family was there.

“I remember watching him getting ready for the race, just a 24-year-old lad, he had this amazing ability to detach himself from what was going on around him and just be in the moment.

“He drove an incredible race, won it, but there was no crowd surfing at the end of it. It was just on to the next one.”

Verstappen is contracted to Red Bull – at a very hefty price – until the end of the 2028 season, and the 25-year-old has hinted that he might call it a day on his time in F1 and explore other forms of racing, with Le Mans sitting on his bucket list.

Asked if there would be another young outstanding talent like Verstappen that would hopefully land at Red Bull, Horner said: “There isn’t another Max!”

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Horner singles out one ‘amazing ability’ enjoyed by Verstappen

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