
Eric Bischoff Says That AEW Needs To Improve Their Storytelling


Former WCW President Eric Bischoff recently discussed AEW on the latest episode of After 83 Weeks w/ Christy Olson.

Bischoff stated: “I really do believe that they need more emphasis on story. I know they have stories, I’m not suggesting that they don’t. Please don’t misunderstand me, that’s not what I mean. But what I do mean is, I think the storytelling? Could be vastly improved. I think the character development could really be improved. Not AS much as the storytelling, because they’ve got some great characters. But I do believe that the characters could be developed to be a little bit more unique. To be a little more different from each other. There’s a ‘sameness’ to the characters. It’s just the way I see things, in the way I interpret things.”

Credit to SEScoops for the transcription.

Check out the full podcast below:

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